Use These 5 Simple Tips to Prevent Medication Errors

Explaining a Prescription at the Pharmacy to a Customer - Burt's Pharmacy and Compounding Lab

Medication errors may lead to inappropriate medication use or cause a patient harm. Unfortunately, this is more common than one may think, but it is preventable. According to CNBC, medical errors are the third most common cause of death in America today. A significant portion are medication errors, where the patient is given the incorrect medication or… Read more »

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7 Things Your Custom Compounding Pharmacy Can Do (That Most Can’t)

Custom Compounding Pharmacy - Burt's Pharmacy and Compounding Lab

Your local custom compounding pharmacy is much more than just a place to get medication; they can do much more than other pharmacies can. These pharmacies are a central hub of information, advice, and products to help you achieve and maintain your wellness, no matter your age, condition, or health situation. Most people recognize that… Read more »

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Infant Immunization Week: Why Are Vaccinations for Children Important?

National Infant Immunization Week - Burt's Pharmacy and Compounding Lab

April 27-May 4, 2019, is  National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW). This year, we’ll explore what NIIW is, and why vaccinations for children are so important. This small facet of the World Health Organization’s larger overall World Immunization Week (WIW) gives us the chance to re-focus on the importance of vaccines. NIIW is also the perfect… Read more »

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Is There Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Gastrointestinal Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Burt's Pharmacy and Compounding Lab

10-15% of the adult population in the United States suffers from IBS, but is there treatment for irritable bowel syndrome? What are your options? There’s nothing enjoyable about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Sufferers struggle with a myriad of gastrointestinal symptoms that leave them feeling uncomfortable and, in some cases, afraid to leave their homes. The… Read more »

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What Are Superbugs and Why Are They Drug Resistant?

A Close Up of Superbugs and Their Resistance to Drugs - Burt's Pharmacy and Compounding Lab

As medicine and technology continuously improve, the chances of fighting off diseases is becoming more and more common – except with superbugs. But what are superbugs, and why are they resistant to antibiotics? Scientists, researchers, and doctors are growing more and more concerned about the effectiveness of antibiotics in treating infections. Long-term overuse of bacteria-fighting… Read more »

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