Category: Compounding

Here you will find information about compounding services, including pediatric compounding, dental compounding, and compounding for pets.

Non Addictive Pain Medication: How Compounding Is the Solution

Nonaddictive Pain Medication: Compounding Is the Solution - Burt's Rx

Millions of people worldwide struggle with pain medication of some kind and form. Many individuals neglect their chronic pain because they struggle to find the medication that genuinely works for them. Some individuals are worried about forming a dependency and are unsure where to begin. Pain management can feel intimidating and sometimes hopeless. However, this… Read more »

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Chronic Condition Management with Compounding Medication

Chronic Condition Management with Compounding Medication - Burt's Rx

 Chronic condition management is very different than usual illnesses. It involves a different kind of treatment plan and monitoring. The plan involves managing symptoms of a long-term disease that normally restricts patients from living a normal life. Through proper management of chronic diseases, healthcare experts can slow down the progression of the disease and enable you… Read more »

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Using Compound Medication for Pain, Aches, and Joints

Using Compound Medication for Pain, Aches, and Joints - Burt's Rx

Pain, aches, and problematic joints are more common than you think. Taking conventional oral medications isn’t always the solution. Most people experience more side effects than relief. That calls for compound medication for pain. A compounding pharmacist can especially formulate medicated gels and creams that can be applied directly onto the pain site and customize… Read more »

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How a Compound Pharmacist Can Help You Prevent Breast Cancer

How a Compound Pharmacist Can Help You Prevent Breast Cancer - Burt's Rx

Breast cancer is on the rise, and the situation is very alarming. While there isn’t a sure-shot way to prevent breast cancer, certain factors increase the likelihood of the disease. These risks can be lowered with the right lifestyle choices: Avoiding smoking and alcohol; Maintaining healthy body weight; Increasing physical activity; Getting cancer screening regularly. Let’s… Read more »

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Why Does Medicine Taste Bad? Here’s How Compounding Can Help!

Why Does Medicine Taste Bad? Here's How Compounding Can Help! - Burt's Rx

Nobody likes to consume a bitter-tasting medicine, especially children. There is a reason for it. Children’s tastebuds are more sensitive to bitter tastes, which makes swallowing a tablet much more difficult. The problem occurs when a kid dealing with a life-threatening illness simply refuses to take the medicine essential to save their life. So, why does… Read more »

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Top Compounding Supplements for TMJ

Top Compounding Supplements for TMJ - Burt's Rx

Any nutritional deficiency can rob your body of the essential building blocks required to thrive. As a result, we are subjected to various health complications. One such widespread problem is TMJ disorder. Using the right vitamins for treating TMJ disorder has been very effective. This article will share a list of supplements that work wonders in… Read more »

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