Breast cancer is on the rise, and the situation is very alarming. While there isn’t a sure-shot way to prevent breast cancer, certain factors increase the likelihood of the disease. These risks can be lowered with the right lifestyle choices:
- Avoiding smoking and alcohol;
- Maintaining healthy body weight;
- Increasing physical activity;
- Getting cancer screening regularly.
Let’s Talk About Breast Cancer
It is commonly thought that high estrogen levels can cause breast cancer. There is a correlation here, but it is essential to learn about the details. The significant risk isn’t excess estrogen; our body’s inability to metabolize or eliminate it safely can cause DNA mutations leading to cancer. Safe estrogen metabolism will reduce DNA damage significantly. Luckily, there are specific options that can help in this regard.
Diindolylmethane (DIM)
Diindolylmethane (DIM) supports healthy estrogen levels. Estrogen dominance results in numerous health concerns, such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It is also linked with environmental toxins mimicking estrogen and compromised metabolism of estrogens.
Other factors that enhance estrogen metabolism include cruciferous vegetables in your diet, which helps with bowel movements. If your bowels aren’t moving, estrogen sticks around on your body longer and has more chances to go back to the circulation in your body.
N-Acetylcysteine and Resveratrol
Other OTC supplements that can help the situation are N-Acetylcysteine and Resveratrol. They can work magic in preventing breast cancer and other human cancers. It is seen that they reduce DNA damage in various in vitro and in vivo experiments.
Antioxidants are chemicals that interact with free radicals and neutralize them. This process prevents them from causing damage. Free radicals are mainly produced by cell metabolisms or external damage from pollution, smoking, radiation, medication, etc.
The accumulation of free radicals in the body creates oxidative stress. It plays a significant role in developing many chronic illnesses, including cancer. Antioxidants, aka “free radical scavengers,” are one of the most important ways to counteract oxidative stress and damage.
Chemo Compounding
In case one counters cancer, one can also take the help of chemo compounding. If you haven’t heard of the term before, it essentially refers to the process of creating compounding drugs for cancer patients. I am sure it’s not surprising that no two cancer patients have the same genetic code, habits, health history, and comorbidities.
While everyone requires unique treatment, compounding medication is the only way to fit a patient’s requirements perfectly. Generally, your doctor will work with a compound pharmacist to create the perfect plan.
Chemotherapy drugs can be pretty hazardous. Hence, only someone with substantial experience handling/compounding antineoplastic medications should create the medication for you. That calls for a specialized compound pharmacist or pharmacy.
Can a Compound Pharmacist Formulate Chemotherapy Drugs?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding the subject, and we understand why. Creating compounded chemo drugs isn’t straightforward and involves a high degree of precession. That is the reason only experienced oncological pharmacists must compound these drugs.
Incorrect formulation of antineoplastic medications can be hazardous to the patient’s health. Creating chemo drugs needs to be sterile, accurate, and timely. It essentially involves a germ-free environment and using the highest quality medications.
Moreover, chemotherapy drugs are required to be administered promptly. Most chemotherapy drugs aren’t created till the patient is in the facility or ready to start home treatment. All in all, it is a highly complex procedure that must be handled timely.
Challenges of Compounding Cancer Drugs
While chemo compounding is necessary, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its challenges. Chemotherapy drugs are made using very toxic substances, and direct exposure in limited amounts can be dangerous. Guidelines for handling these drugs are pretty strict and must be followed.
Pharmacists with insufficient experience are more prone to endangering their health and other providers. The handler needs to avoid direct contact with cancer-causing chemicals at all costs. A few suitable safety measures are wearing two pairs of protective gloves, a closed-system drug transfer device, and all the other safety protocols designed to keep healthcare providers safe.
Preventing and Healing Breast Cancer Through Personalized Medicine
Preventing breast cancer is very different than treating it. What medications/supplements are great for preventing breast cancer gets very confusing. Generally, it is best to visit a compound pharmacist and explore your options.
Since they have extensive experience with hormone/nutrition medications, they can help you choose the right supplement/medication. When in doubt, it is always a great idea to talk to your healthcare provider regarding any supplements/medications that could help prevent breast cancer.
Final Takeaway
As your Good Neighbor Pharmacy, we’re committed to helping you achieve your healthcare goals. From treating everyday conditions to achieving personal wellness, our talented and compassionate Burt’s pharmacy care team members can answer your questions and find solutions that fit you like a glove.
With over 40 years of experience as your local pharmacy serving the community, we understand what Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, and Westlake Village patients need most. Benefit from everyday low prices, in-house compounding services, preferred pricing, easy access to medical supplies, and friendly, supportive staff that are always just a phone call away.
Our compounding pharmacy members are here for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject.