It’s always useful to know all about compounding medication history and how it’s evolved to the present day. Read further on now.
Compounding medications have gained a lot of popularity in recent times, especially among those dealing with multiple medical conditions, the elderly, young children, pets, and those who are allergic to certain ingredients found in common meds.
For those of you who have heard the term for the first time, let me explain it to you: A compounded medication is essentially a drug that is specifically prepared for an individual based on the prescription from the doctor. Such drugs are not available at regular pharmacies and require the expertise of compounded pharmacists. Creating compounded meds involves mixing one or more active ingredients in a very specific amount to create a drug that suits you or your loved ones.
The key advantage of this process is that medication is created to fit your needs. Whether it means altering the dosage or changing the form of a particular drug (syrup, pill, injection, an ointment, or even a lolly for kids). Sometimes multiple pills are combined into one. Other times, a hard-to-swallow pill is turned into a syrup for easier administration. In some cases, allergens are removed from conventional meds to fit your unique needs best while in other cases, the dosage is altered. There are times when a combination of all the above is required.
Taking medications is never fun. However, compounding can definitely make the process easier for you.
What Are Compounded Medications Used For?
Compounded medications can be used for all sorts of different conditions. However, they are more commonly prescribed for individuals dealing with pain, thyroid, hormone-related conditions, and skin problems. While any doctor can prescribe compounding meds, most of the prescriptions come from doctors in the following fields: Dermatologists (skin), Pain specialists, Podiatrists (feet), Endocrinologists (hormone imbalances and other endocrine disorders), Gastroenterologists (digestive system), and Veterinarians.
Compounding Medication History
For those of you who are interested in where the compounding originated, let’s give you a little background. It is quite difficult to pinpoint the ancestries of compounding as combining multiple agents to create a medication begins way before the term compounding was coined.
The art of compounded meds can be linked to the origins of the pharmacy. If you are talking about the first documented chemical process, it goes as far back as the Egyptians.
The earliest chemists used various natural substances as medication. They compounded multiple preparations such as dyes, incenses, perfumes, preservatives, cosmetics, and of course medications.
In the medieval Islamic world, Muslim pharmacists and chemists developed advanced methods of compounding drugs. The first drug store was opened in Baghdad by a Muslim Pharmacist in the year 754. Off course, the definition of the pharmacist wasn’t quite the same as it is now. When it comes to modern age compounding, it began around the 19th century with the goal of separating coal tar from certain compounds in order to obtain a synthetic dye. The earliest antibacterial sulfa drugs, phenolic compounds, and plastics were all the products of compounding.
In the 1800s, pharmacists specialized in the compounding of crude drugs. Crude drugs are obtained from natural resources and contain several chemical compounds. The pharmacist used to extract these drugs with the help of solvents like water and alcohol to create extract, decoctions, and concoctions.
They started the procedure by isolating and identifying the active ingredients in these concoctions using fractionation or recrystallization to separate an active ingredient from the crude preparation and created a compounded medication.
As soon as pharmacists figured out the isolation of medications from different raw materials and crude drugs, the modern pharmaceutical company was born. Pharmacists were trained to compound medications by different drug companies. The problem was it couldn’t be done efficiently on a smaller scale which lead to the development of the modern pharmaceutical industry.
As the 20th century started to role, the government imposed various regulations on the practice of medication. This forced various drug manufacturing companies to better their medication and ensure patient safety. The discovery of penicillin along with modern marketing tactics give rise to the drug manufacturing industry that you see today.
How Has It Evolved Over The Years?
Initially, physicians prescribed and compounded the patient’s medication themselves. In the late 19th century, there was a clear distinction between a pharmacist and a physician.
Historically, compounding was an essential part of the pharmaceutical process. In the earlier 1900s, the majority of the medications were available as a result of pharmaceutical compounding. With the progression of the 20th century, the need for compounding pharmacies diminished as a result of mass drug manufacturing.
In the modern-day, compounded pharmacy experienced a major resurgence as the need for custom medications become more and more prevalent. The demand for customized meds is always on the rise as conventional drugs don’t meet the requirements of every single patient. Compounding pharmacists fill a major gap in the medical industry and offer customized solutions to patients with unique needs.
About Burt’s Good Neighbor Pharmacy
As your Good Neighbor Pharmacy, we’re committed to helping you achieve your health care goals. From treating everyday conditions to achieving personal wellness, our talented and compassionate Burt’s pharmacy care team members can answer your questions and find solutions that fit you like a glove.
With over 40 years of experience as your local pharmacy serving the community, we understand what Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, and Westlake Village patients need most. Our compounding pharmacy members are here for you.
Final Takeaway
While compounding pharmacies are one of the best facilities of the modern age, it is important to know that all pharmacies aren’t created equal. Moreover, it is always recommended to take your healthcare provider on board whenever you are considering compounded meds whether it be for yourself, your kid, or your pet. The best results are achieved when your healthcare provider and the compounded pharmacist work together to achieve the best outcome for your health.
Benefit from everyday low prices, in-house compounding services, preferred pricing, easy access to medical supplies, and friendly, supportive staff that are always just a phone call away. Feel free to reach out to us in case of any questions, queries, or compounding needs.