There are countless ways to relieve stress, anxiety and bodily discomfort these days, but finding effective natural solutions to do so can involve a lot of trial and error. It can be even more difficult to find a natural solution that covers all three at once, until floating therapy.
Enter Scott Andrade, owner of the local Ventura Float Center.
After some inquiry from colleagues and patients, I decided to reach out to Scott to inquire about the benefits of float tank sessions—often somewhat erroneously referred to as “sensory deprivation”— and discovered that the reality differs considerably from the media-perpetuated mythology.
Question 1:
Robert Leark: How did you get into this line of work?
Scott Andrade: After working in a corporate setting for about 18 years, I was feeling unfulfilled and ready for a change; so when an opportunity to leave came along, I took it. I then enrolled in the school of massage at the Kali Institute of Somatics in 2013, and it was there that I was introduced to the concept of floating by my teacher, during a discussion on different modalities for stress relief. I wanted to try it, but the nearest float tank to me was in Torrance, which wasn’t exactly convenient for me; but after devoting some time to it I knew that there was value in this, and began looking into establishing my own float center at a location that was in need of one, and that happened to be Ventura.
Question 2:
RL: What are some of the reasons people take up floating?
SA: I’d say the top three reasons are to relieve stress and anxiety, to relieve body discomfort, and curiosity. A lot of people come in to check out what it’s all about. They either move on or fall in love with it. Others will try it to enhance their meditation practice, since the environment that the tank provides is ideal for focus and expansion, as it diminishes sensory stimuli and calms the mind and body. This can also be helpful for autistic youths, whose behavior can shift dramatically after coming out of a float session. I often see repeat visits from people with autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, and chronic conditions; especially back pain, since the zero gravity state provided by the saltwater allows the spine to settle into its natural alignment.
Question 3:
RL: What advice do you have for new floaters?
SA: Please have no expectations. There’s a lot of hype on the internet that can either intimidate people or set them up for disappointment. It affects each person differently depending on what they need or where they’re at. I recommend that you come in unaltered to get a good idea of how it affects you. By simply cutting out all external sensory stimulation, the float conditions—the zero gravity, the calming, sedative effect of the magnesium in the skin-temperature water—these conditions allow for beneficial physiological and psychological change to take place. The mind relaxes, and people emerge from the tank shaken up in a good way; they’re out of their comfort zone, in a new kind of situation… It’s like a reset for them. They can’t explain it; their mind isn’t racing anymore, and they have a hard time describing the experience. Just be open to it, that’s all.
Question 4:
RL: What was your first float experience like?
SA: Honestly, not great. First of all, I had a lot of expectations. I soon learned that was the wrong way to approach this. Second, the float was an hour and a half, which was just too long for that first time. I went back a month later with no expectations. Once I let go, I felt a high degree of comfort and relaxation. Then on the third try—without any intention of focusing on a business opportunity—I spontaneously “saw” the logo and layout for my future float center, and felt a sureness about it, like “this is what you need to do”. I returned many times before establishing my float center in 2015.
Question 5:
RL: Who would you recommend, or not recommend, floating to?
SA: Well, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone with claustrophobia. Though you can opt to leave the tank door open or float with lights and music, the water and air temperature is ideal with the door closed in order to maintain a lack of cognitive differentiation between where the skin ends and the water begins. The total darkness or soundlessness is a personal choice, depending on why you’re here. That said, floating really isn’t exclusive to anyone: it’s for everyone, and at the same time it’s not for everyone. It’s a strange kind of oxymoron but I find it to be true. I’m not out to pressure anyone into trying this: if it’s right for you, and the timing is right to introduce this into your life, then you’ll do it.
Question 6:
RL: Can you describe the setup and procedure? How does the tank operate?
SA: Sure– first, you get a brief orientation from me, to familiarize you with the setting and process. You have a private room to prepare in, which includes a shower just outside the tank. The tank itself is 8 feet long by 4 1/2 feet wide, enclosed over a half ton of pharmaceutical grade magnesium sulfate, or epsom salt, dissolved in 150 gallons of water that is heated to be close to the actual temperature of our epidermis. Though the water is only 10 inches high, floaters experience zero gravity due to the high salinity as they relax into the water, lying on their backs. There’s no motion in the water, allowing the perfect stillness of the body and mind. Within 20 minutes the magnesium in the saltwater enters the bloodstream through the skin. This enhances a sense of total serenity by the whole experience.
Question 7:
RL: Is there anything else first time floaters should be aware of if they’re considering giving it a try?
SA: Yes; I always recommend staying well hydrated before and after a session, as an increased water intake conditions the body. Being in that much salt, you’ll experience a mild detox or cleansing as toxins are drawn out. You should empty your bladder beforehand and avoid any stimulants not only the day of, but even days before floating for the best experience. Other than that, just let go and let your mind and body relax into a new state of being.
Mention this article to receive 20% off your first float session at Ventura Float Center! For more information, visit VenturaFloatCenter.com or call (805) 921-5114.
This article was originally published by Burt’s Pharmacy in Dos Vientos Living Magazine.