This time of year, your skin loses 25% of its ability to hold moisture. If you notice you have dry skin in winter, follow the tips below on skin care.
The American Skin Association defines dry skin as xerosis and states it is prevalent among people of all ages. They also report dry skin worsens in the wintertime because we turn up the heat indoors, which is a dry heat. When it is cold outdoors, and we lower temperatures and humidity indoors, our skin loses moisture.
During winter, your skin loses 25% of its ability to hold moisture.
If you notice your skin is extra dry this winter, follow the tips below on winter skin care.
1. Avoid Over Washing
This tip for managing dry skin may be more difficult this year than others since we are going through a pandemic that requires us to wash our hands often. No one wants to spread COVID19, but over-washing your hands can lead to damaged, dry skin.
Studies have shown washing your hands too much can lead to chronic dry, damaged skin and conditions such as eczema.
Also, the length of time you spend washing can make a difference. Those long, hot baths and showers can lead to dryer skin in the winter. It is recommended you take shorter, warm showers instead.
2. Use the Right Cleansers
Winter skin care needs to be different than skin care during other seasons. In winter, when the skin is dry, choose a cleanser that hydrates. Check the ingredients in your soap. Not all soaps add moisturizing ingredients.
Many cleaners include chemicals that can have a drying effect on your skin. Alcohol can be a common chemical found in cleansers because it is beneficial in cleaning the skin. However, in the winter, it can cause skin problems.
A better solution is to have products developed specifically to meet your dry skin needs. You can do this with the help of your pharmacist.
3. Use Compounded Cosmetics
The products you buy off the shelf at your local retail store are created with specific ingredients to meet the masses’ needs. Only, that goal is impossible. Not everyone struggles with the same skin conditions. And most people have more than one skin problem.
Over the counter products may help one issue but not the other, leading you to make multiple product purchases. This takes up more time each day and night applying the many different products.
Choose compounded cosmetics instead.
Compounded cosmetics or cosmeceuticals can be created by your pharmacist and include ingredients that meet your individual needs in one product. Your pharmacist can also increase or decrease the strength of the components and omit ingredients for which you may be allergic.
Examples of compounded dermatological products include topical creams, lotions, gels, ointments, and solutions.
4. Stay Hydrated
One way to manage dry skin in the winter months is to hydrate your skin from the inside out. It’s easy to get busy with life and forget to drink the water your body needs each day. On the run, you may pick up a coffee or soda to quench your thirst.
You may not realize that when you aren’t using water for hydration, your skin can become dry and show signs of aging. You may see dark circles around your eyes, flaky skin, and rashes.
5. Use a Humidifier
Humidifiers are an inexpensive way to add moisture back into the interior of your home. During the winter months, this is a great way to help manage dry skin. The interior of your home is already dehydrated due to running your heating system.
6. Take Beneficial Supplements
Vitamin D and fish oils are examples of beneficial supplements to manage dry skin in the winter. Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, and ceramides are additional supplements that have been shown to improve health, including skin health.
Ask your pharmacist for details on the vitamins best for you and your lifestyle. Your pharmacist may even be able to include vitamins in the cream or lotion you have compounded.
7. Wear Protective Clothing
Winter can mean freezing temperatures, winds, snow, and sometimes ice. Your bare skin does not adjust well to these conditions. They are too harsh. So, when you plan to go outdoors, wear protective clothing for each part of your body.
Cover your ears with muffs, your hands with gloves, and use scarves to cover your neck and face. Wear soft, breathable clothing as a first layer against the skin. Then layer with pieces that further protect your skin and also holds in heat.
8. Adjust Your Indoor Temperature
The goal for most people in winter is to stay comfortably warm while inside your home. Comfortably warm can mean “hot” to some, like those who prefer to wear T-shirts and shorts while at home. If it is too hot inside your home, though, your skin will pay the price.
The hotter your interior temperature, the dryer the air, and the dryer your skin. Try to keep temperatures lower but wear more clothing to see if that makes a difference in managing your dry skin in winter.
9. Switch Up Your Diet
What you eat plays a significant role in the health of your skin. A winter skin care tip for managing dry skin is to eat foods that are nutritious and hydrating. There are many fruits and vegetables loaded with water that can help you retain moisture in your skin.
Fruits and vegetables are also great for boosting your immune system, protecting you from the dreaded winter cold or flu.
10. Consult the Pros
It is always best to consult with your physician and your pharmacist before implementing any plan to improve health, even skin health. Getting advice from an expert means you get to skip the guessing and trial and error process of finding which product is best for your symptoms.
Because dry skin can be a symptom of other medical problems, get the opinion of a professional who can guide you in finding a solution so that you can better manage your winter skin care. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for advice, either. You can visit your local Burt’s Rx pharmacist today for more winter skin care tips to manage your dry skin in winter.