Looking to improve senior wellness and health? These tips are the perfect place to start during Healthy Aging Month.
September is Healthy Aging Month, but it’s never too soon to start thinking about taking care of yourself so that you’ll stay in the best shape possible as you age.
There are also some ridiculous myths about aging and senior wellness (including the idea that older people can’t be active) we absolutely can’t wait to bust.
How Can You Improve Senior Wellness This Healthy Aging Month?
The purpose of Healthy Aging Month is to inspire adults 45 years or older to improve their physical, mental, and social well-being.
Its goal is to spread truth about aging and bust certain myths about this process.
The truth is that it’s also never too late to make some changes to your life so that you can continue to age gracefully and comfortably, and we want to be a part of your support network in making that happen. These seven strategies help seniors of all ages overcome challenges to live healthier lives.
So, this Healthy Aging Month, Burt’s Pharmacy is striving to improve your (or loved ones) senior wellness and health with these 7 tips.
1. Start by Taking Care of Your Smile
Dental anxiety doesn’t go away as we age, so many people continue to avoid the dentist even during critical periods of adulthood. Another factor in avoiding the dentist is the cost, as seniors often have trouble covering the costs financially without adequate insurance.
It’s still important to see your dentist once or twice a year for a cleaning, screenings, and to prevent complications like serious infections.
If anxiety is a major factor, talk to your dentist about some of your options. There are a lot of products and medications out there, especially from dental compounding pharmacies like ours, that can help you to relax before a dental appointment. We can also help you to more effective relieve toothaches, treat TMJ, whiten your teeth, or even treat gingivitis.
2. Eat Healthier Foods
Even though it’s one of the most important aspects of senior wellness, adults don’t exactly have an excellent reputation for eating as well as they should. Most adults eat at least 2 times more sodium than they should consume daily, which leads to high blood pressure and other complications.
Do your best to eat a balanced diet with proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and ease up on the processed snacks when you can. Whole foods are still best compared to chocolate bars and junk foods or even soda pop.
It’s time to start shying away from the extra sweets!
If in doubt, always ask your doctor about your diet.
This is especially important if you have a medical condition that dictates a specific dietary need; or if you take medications that could interact with certain foods.
3. Stay Active
A huge senior wellness myth is that older people lose flexibility and are therefore less active.
The truth is that you lose flexibility because you stop moving around. The more active you are, the easier it will be to stay active.
Try to walk, incorporate aerobic exercises, and even strength train several times per week. Hiking clubs, swim groups, and sporting groups are great ways to stay active.
Talk to your doctor if you have any medical condition that could be impacted by exercise. Also talk to your doctor about getting the right assistive devices if you have balance issues or injuries.
The right walker or cane could be just what you need to keep moving.
4. Reduce Stress, Get More Sleep
As adults, we think we can go without sleep, but older adults need just as much sleep (and sometimes more) than younger adults. The reality is that while you think you don’t “need” the rest, there is probably something causing your inability to drift off.
Losing sleep can lead to depression, irritability, memory issues, and a host of other symptoms.
Part of getting more sleep may involve reducing the stress in your life. It’s often difficult to sleep if you are anxious and feel like your brain never stops worrying.
Meditation, time for friends, strong social connections, and even things like massage can help you improve senior wellness by reducing stress and, ultimately, help you sleep better.
If stress isn’t the problem, start by addressing proper sleep hygiene: a dark bedroom with no noise, no internet in the bedroom, and no flashing, bright TV screens. Don’t drink caffeine in the later part of the afternoon or early evening.
If fundamental sleep hygiene changes don’t work, talk to your doctor about possible causes for your lack of rest.
5. Preventative Medicine is Key
Do your best to prevent illnesses where you can.
Wash your hands often, with a mild soap, and keep surfaces clean and free from debris. Make sure you are talking to your doctor about your need for flu, pneumonia, and other vaccines.
Diseases that a younger adult can bounce back from quickly can be grave in older adults.
Preventative medicine isn’t just about vaccines. It’s about seeing your doctor for regular well-visits, having regular eye exams, taking your medications correctly, and having a healthy lifestyle routine.
6. Stop Smoking
It seems like it should go without saying, but please try to stop if you are still smoking.
We all know that smoking causes cancer, strokes, respiratory disease, and other issues. Did you know it can also make it more difficult for you to recover from common illnesses, like the cold?
It also speeds progression between colds and serious illnesses like respiratory infections and even potentially fatal pneumonias, too.
More bad news: smokers have a more difficult time with wound healing, can have more severe complications from diabetes, and can have skin issues from a loss of elasticity. It’s just a bad idea to smoke all around.
That said, we know it isn’t easy to quit, especially alone. Talk to your pharmacist or your doctor if you are ready to quit or feel like you need help.
There are a ton of support options out there, and you’ll begin to feel a change in your overall senior wellness almost immediately.
7. Don’t Forget about Intimacy
It may be an awkward topic of conversation, but the need for sexual intimacy does not go away with age. Find ways to fan the flame in your relationship if needed, but also look into the universal physical changes that happen (to both men and women) with age.
Your doctor will be able to help you make lifestyle adjustments or find the right therapies (including Viagra and other medications) to adapt so that you can continue to have a happy and healthy intimate life.
You deserve to enjoy your golden years happily and with good health.
What better time to start working on this than during Healthy Aging Month?
To improve senior wellness, don’t ignore any aspect of your health that gives you cause for pause, whether it is physical, mental, or emotional. You are your own best advocate, and you have the right to speak up when you are with family or with any of your doctors.
Always be vocal about your health concerns and don’t be afraid to ask for information and testing, if necessary. No one will ever spend as much time in your body as you do.
You know it best, and you deserve to be heard when it comes to your concerns and getting the proper care.
Let us know how we can help and support you in this journey to improve senior wellness and health.
We hope to see you age well for years to come!