Tag: bio-identical hormones

Thyroid Awareness Month: Can BioIdentical Hormones Help?

Woman Holding Her Throat | Burt's Pharmacy and Compounding Lab

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, however many people are unaware of the purpose and importance of your thyroid. Your thyroid is one of the most important hormone-producing organs in the body. It sits in the base of your throat, where (when healthy) it steadily releases calcitonin, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, three substances that have a direct… Read more »

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Are Bio-Identical Hormones Better than Non-Bio-Identical Hormones?

Hormones—it’s only in recent years we’re beginning to understand just how important they are to our overall health. Even the slightest imbalance can produce difficult physical and emotional symptoms that many patients struggle to treat, despite the dedicated help of a trusted physician. Add to this the prevalence of birth control and you end up… Read more »

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