
Dog Anxiety Medication: How Can Compounding Help?

Like humans, dogs often suffer from stress and anxiety. Luckily, there are ways to manage this condition, one of the options being dog anxiety medication and compounding options.

Anxiety can be a real struggle. In fact, nearly 40 million Americans are afflicted with conditions such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Panic Disorder (PD) every single year. Quarantine certainly isn’t doing anything to lower those numbers; if anything, they’re on the rise as a result of it instead.

But there’s another situation unfolding in homes with pets that’s drawing attention to the same plight in a different species: dogs. Quarantine has many pet owners questioning why their dogs are suddenly acting out, misbehaving, or suddenly reacting in fear to everyday experiences.

They’re crying, demanding attention, and perhaps even engaging in destructive behaviors – what gives?

Fear not: your little furry angel probably hasn’t been switched out by aliens. The real cause is very likely anxiety stemming from stress. We’ll help demystify this condition, and tell you how to treat it, in this post.

Why Your Pet May Be Acting Different During Quarantine

Dogs are incredibly sensitive creatures – they read human emotion and react to it like no other pet can. That can be a double-edged sword when you’re feeling intense anxiety, fear, or frustration yourself. And it’s fair to say that pretty much all of us have experienced that at least once every few days over the last six months.

If your well-behaved dog suddenly begins to display behavior problems or clear symptoms of anxiety, know that you aren’t alone. It’s highly likely that the current chaos and changes to her schedule are  influencing her.

Here’s the good news: no matter what causes your dog’s anxiety, it’s an incredibly treatable condition. But the most important thing you can do is learn how to recognize it and respond to it in your everyday lives. And responding is so, so important – we know through research that dogs who have their anxiety addressed early have a far better long-term prognosis than those who don’t.

In the next section, we’ll tell you about some of the many reasons why anxiety occurs in dogs. Then, we’ll explain what you can do to help your dog manage their fearful feelings, what dog anxiety medication exists, and how your pharmacy can help with treatment.

Other Reasons Dogs Experience Anxiety

We mentioned that quarantine seems to be making some dogs more anxious than others. That’s largely because quarantine is a stressful, confusing, and inconsistent time for them. Maybe they’re used to you going to work all day; now, suddenly, you’re home. Or, maybe they just aren’t expending energy at doggy day care anymore. All of these changes can be stressful enough to spur on anxiety or even panic.

But quarantine aside, just what exactly is it that causes anxiety in dogs, anyway?

The answer really varies. Every dog is different, and individual experiences might make a pup more or less likely to experience fearfulness and anxiety, too.

Merck Veterinary Manual, which is considered the “bible” of veterinary medicine in many animal health clinics, talks about the most common causes here. Here’s a quick run-down to help you identify situational influences in your dog.

Fears and Phobias

  • At the top of this list is canine fears and true phobias. These occur when a dog develops an irrational fear of something, usually in response to a bad experience or some kind of trauma. For example, your dog might become fearful of water if he falls into the pool and can’t get out as a pup.

Separation Anxiety

  • Canine separation anxiety is also extremely common, especially in dogs who have a shaky start in life (e.g., rescues). Dogs with this condition suffer from intense feelings of fear and even outright panic when they can’t be around their favorite person or even another pet. For example, your dog may bark and whine out of fear all day while you’re away at work.

Compulsive Disorders

  • Canine compulsive disorders – similar to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in humans – can also make your dog anxious or even reactive. Your dog may hyperfocus on some kind of behavior, experience, or activity (such as chewing on your favorite shoes) to the point that forcing him to stop causes panic.


  • Age can sometimes cause dogs to become fearful or panicky, usually as a result of some kind of canine dementia. It’s far more common in dogs over seven years old, but the exact age really depends on breed. As with humans who suffer from dementia, your dog might express fear after finding himself lost or confused within his own yard or even within your home.

So, how can you know if your dog is experiencing anxiety symptoms? Pay close attention to his or her behavior. Confident dogs who feel comfortable will stand normally, with ears alert. Their tail typically stands tall (at attention) or straight back from their bodies, not tucked between their legs. Of course, shaking, whining, or shrieking are all signs of intense anxiety, as is fearful biting or lunging.

Early Intervention Options

We mentioned that early intervention is really helpful for canine anxiety – that’s especially true for training, lifestyle adjustments, and alternative therapies. Your vet might recommend one or more of  the following non-drug options:

  • Building your dog’s confidence or engaging in exposure therapy to overcome his fear. This includes training your dog to pay attention to you instead of focusing on fear-inducing stimuli as well as exposure therapy.
  • Adjusting his environment and/or schedule to eliminate the source of anxiety and/or fear. For example, you might put up a fence or keep him in a separate room when company comes over.
  • Using a thundershirt. These can also be very helpful for some dogs, as can exercise and even agility training. This form of compression therapy “hugs” the dog, which can be very comforting. It’s particularly effective for loud noises.

Unfortunately, non-drug treatments aren’t always enough. When dogs continue to struggle and suffer with symptoms despite all early interventions, or when anxiety is so severe they can’t even concentrate on them anyway, it’s typically time to consider the different types of dog anxiety medication. We’ll talk about those options next.

Types of Dog Anxiety Medication

Your veterinarian is the only one who can decide if dog anxiety medication is right for your pet. That said, it might surprise you to learn that most of the drugs he or she would prescribe are the same drugs used to treat anxiety in humans!

The most common examples are:

  • Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, Valium, and Ativan. These drugs are immediately sedating and influence a sensation of calmness while also helping slow activity in the brain. They’re effective, but can be addictive, too.
  • SSRIs, including Reconcile, Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil. These drugs are for the long-term treatment of anxiety and other mental health conditions (yes, even in dogs). They work by altering and stabilizing certain brain chemicals.
  • Buspirone, an anxiolytic that works similarly to SSRIs, but acts on other brain chemicals to prevent panic and intense “fight or flight.” This, too, needs to be taken for some time before effects are witnessed.
  • Clomicalm, which is a tricyclic antidepressant with a similar effect to SSRIs. It is most effective for separation anxiety, especially in dogs who can’t tolerate SSRIs.
  • Sileo, an alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist that slows activity in areas of the brain responsible for anxiety. It is especially effective in treating dogs who become anxious in response to loud noises (e.g., fireworks or kids hollering).

Does Human Medication Work?

As we mentioned, many of these medications are also prescribed for humans. We want to state for the record that this does not mean you should give your dog your medication (or anyone else’s, for that matter). Dog anxiety medication is specially formulated to be safe for your furry companion, in much lower doses. Giving human medications can be dangerous, causing toxicity, overdose, or even death.

Now that we have that out of the way… what happens when it comes time to give your dog a pill? Your compounding pharmacy can help; we’ll tell you how.

How a Compounding Pharmacy Can Help

Anyone who owns a dog knows it isn’t always to get them to take medication. They can be almost as, or even more than, stubborn about it than children. You can’t exactly explain to them that it will help them. But you don’t want to make medication time a source of additional anxiety by forcing it on them, either.

The reality is that, at least to your dog, medication is detected as a foreign and potentially harmful substance. Their natural instincts tell them to avoid it whenever they possibly can even if it’s what’s best. Instead of fighting them on the subject (to absolutely no avail), call your pharmacy and ask about compounding.

A good compounding pharmacy can reformulate just about any canine medication into something much more palatable. Compounded pet medication includes reformulating pills into tasty treats, easy-to-apply topicals, or even dissolvable films you can place inside their cheek for quick delivery. If your dog happens to need multiple medications, they may even be able to combine them into one easy dose, too.

The bottom line? Neither you nor your dog have to suffer the effects of anxiety in silence. Reach out to your pharmacy today to learn more.


Customized Skin Care Solutions for Healthy Skin This Summer

Skin care becomes especially important during the summer months, and now your routine can become easier with these customized skin care solutions to ensure gorgeous, summer skin.

Ah, summer. What a glorious time to be alive. The outdoors is rich with sunshine, beautiful flowers, people celebrating life, and just a whole lot of fun.

Unless, of course, you happen to be one of the many patients who seem to struggle with skin care issues the moment warmer weather arrives.

For a small number of patients, excess sun exposure and warmer temperatures cause skin problems like dryness, oiliness, texture or tone problems, or flaking. Skin may start to look dry, puffy, and dull, leaving the individual struggling to cope.

If you can relate, we want to help. First, we’ll tell you why commercial skin care products aren’t the right answer. Then, we’ll explain why customized skin care solutions are so much better for your skin.

You CAN love summer and your skin, too!


The Problem With Commercial Products

Let’s get started.

Your skin, and how it functions, is highly complex. Its health and appearance is modulated by everything from:

  • Genetics
  • Diet
  • Sun exposure
  • Smoking
  • Exercise
  • Even the products you use at home

When summer skin issues crop up, most patients turn to everyday OTC products in an attempt to regain control – masks, moisturizers, astringents, and sunscreens, for example.

While these items may work, at least temporarily, their “one size fits all” design makes them very limited in scope, results, and efficacy (how effective they are on an individual level). The problem is that commercial products are mass-produced, meaning that manufacturers generally target the most common causes of a symptom to ensure they meet the needs of the “average person.”

This doesn’t really consider the individual patient’s very unique skin profile, sensitivities, or needs. 

At best, they’re okay for mild issues and totally ineffective for more serious concerns. At worst, they may even cause patients to rebound in the opposite direction, causing irritation, redness, or new skin problems along the way.

So what’s the real answer?


The Case for Customized Skin Care

When it comes to fixing skin care concerns, customized skin care solutions for healthy skin take your skin care regimen far beyond anything possible with OTC commercial products. Because they treat the individual, and not the “standard average,” the risk of accidentally triggering new problems, or simply not seeing results, is much, much lower.

Usually, you’ll start the process with an individualized skin care assessment.

This allows your provider to identify:

  • Your skin type
  • The exact cause of your concerns
  • Any factors (such as sun exposure, allergies, or skin conditions like rosacea) that may be contributing to your symptoms

Customized skin care formulation allows providers to create highly-targeted solutions for every skin type, every skin concern, and every lifestyle.

It removes the guesswork and gives you the confidence to know you’re getting the right fix without taking risks. That’s peace of mind you won’t find in an OTC product, especially if you have particularly finicky or sensitive skin!



Cosmeceutical Ingredients in Custom Skin Care

Now, let’s get specific about what can be added to customized skin care products. In the next few sections, we’ll tell you about some of the best custom product ingredients and how they provide support for unique summer skin concerns.

Your personalized solution is just a few steps away.


1. Ellagic Acid

Ellagic acid is a naturally-occurring substance extracted from nuts and berries.

It is most commonly associated with strawberry, raspberry, and walnut – and yes, that means eating these foods might be beneficial for your skin.


  • Taken orally, it may help to improve immune function.
  • Oral ellagic acid might bind to cancer cells or even prevent cancer from occurring, which may make it a good choice for preventing melanoma as a result of sun damage.
  • You can use ellagic acid topically to resolve specific skin concerns.
  • Combo products with ellagic acid and salicylic acid are nearly as effective at eliminating hyperpigmentation and melasma as prescription hydroquinone.
  • Used alone, ellagic acid can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

For summer, consider ellagic acid when the sun leaves freckles, dark spots, and darker pigmentation anywhere you want to avoid it.

Ask your compounding pharmacist about combination products if you also need to firm or smooth.


2. Vitamin C

The same vitamin you likely take every morning with your breakfast – either in the form of orange juice or in a multivitamin – also happens to be a powerful topical antioxidant, too.

Topical vitamin C is so common that you’ll find it in nearly all skin-brightening serums, most professional facials, and even chemical peels!


  • Used topically (most often in tandem with moisturizers to offset its mild drying effect), this essential nutrient brightens, tightens, and sometimes, lightens for a more youthful appearance.
  • Its antioxidant effect encourages healthier skin regeneration.
  • The antioxidants also improve the body’s ability to clear environmental toxins.

Cosmetics expert Joshua Zeichner, who works for Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, also says the substance is chemoprotective. “[Vitamin C] may even help protect the skin from pre-cancerous changes from UV light exposure,” he explains, “by neutralizing free radicals.”


3. Retinol

If proper hydration is the “man behind the curtain” in great skin, then retinoids are the “fountain of youth” involved in fighting signs of aging. And since sun exposure and sun damage speed the same signs of aging, it’s a great option to talk about when we talk about healthy summer skin.

Retinol, or “retinoic acid,” is essentially comprised of Vitamin A1, although it does come in a few different forms.


It can be used orally to treat certain auto-immune skin conditions like Psoriasis, although this use is rare because oral use generally increases LDL cholesterol levels in the blood over time.

Topically, retinol stimulates the production of new skin cells.

Older, duller skin cells are cleared away to make room for brighter, smoother, more elastic cells, leading to a fresher and more “awake” appearance.

But that’s far from retinoid’s only benefit; it can also:

  • Eliminate acne
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines
  • Eliminate symptoms of photo-aging (like melasma and hyperpigmentation)
  • Even out skin tone


4. Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone, or just quinone, is one of the most widely-used substances in the cosmeceutical industry.

It is best known for its ability to lighten and brighten the skin (part of the reason it’s so commonly found in skin bleaching agents).


Unlike other bleaches that strip color out of the skin, hydroquinone works proactively to prevent melanin production in the first place.

  • That means if you use a product containing it now, you may be able to prevent dark spots from ever occurring.
  • And if you already have dark spots? That’s okay – quinone can make it easier for your body to clear them in tandem with other products.

However, there is one small catch: hydroquinone can, in some cases, make you more sensitive to the sun.

Customized sunscreens with hydroquinone may allow you to reap the benefits without the associated risks, but you should always use this prescription ingredient under the watchful eye of a professional.




A customized skin care routine has many benefits for every individual, especially if you find you have sensitive skin.

Rather than taking an over-the-counter skin care regimen that is mass produced for everyone, create a customized skin care regimen that is made for you.

A compounding pharmacy can help you create the perfect skin care solution to ensure glowing summer skin, while avoiding your typical summer skin issues.

This is especially true if you suffer from allergies or need additional help with your routine.

Custom skin care products can:

  • Include ellagic acid
  • Increase Vitamin C levels (or any other vitamin you need)
  • Add retinol
  • Utilize hydroquinone
  • Exclude gluten
  • Avoid allergies
  • And, much more

Call us today if you need help with creating custom compounded cosmeceutical products.


3 Common Fall Allergies: Symptoms and Treatments to Know

Fall allergies can create similar symptoms to spring allergies; sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and more. But why do you suffer from fall allergies? What are the symptoms and treatments?

While there are allergens that can have an impact on your health just about every season, many people notice their symptoms are worse during the spring and fall months.

There’s a good reason for this correlation; pollen counts tend to be highest during both seasons.


What Are The Most Common Fall Allergies?

The fall allergy season usually starts towards the middle of August and lasts well until October or November, when freezing temperatures kill off the last remaining pollinating plants. However, exactly when this happens varies depending on where you live in the United States.

Someone living in southern Florida will have a much longer struggle than, say, someone living in Maine.

Until temperatures drop, you still have to cope with your fall allergy symptoms.

Here’s how to identify whether you’re suffering from allergies, and if you are, how to get a bit of relief from allergies.


1. Ragweed Allergies

Ragweed usually starts blooming in August. As a fall-blooming plant, its pollen release becomes worst around the middle of September, but warmer and wetter temperatures this August sent ragweed into overdrive, causing it to bloom earlier than normal.

Patients who struggle with ragweed allergies noticed symptoms earlier, and in some cases, more aggressively, as a result. The United States is home to more than 15 different varieties of ragweed, meaning that virtually anyone anywhere in the country can be impacted.


— Ragweed Allergy Symptoms

The most common symptoms of a ragweed allergy include sneezing, a constantly runny nose, stuffiness, and headaches ranging from mild to severe.

You may also feel like your eyes and your throat are itchy.

Patients with asthma are likely to notice an increase in related symptoms, including increased wheezing and an asthma-related cough.


— Ragweed Allergy Treatments

There are many antihistamine-based OTC medications that work well for patients suffering from a ragweed allergy. Options include Benadryl, Claritin, Aerius, and Allegra. Each of these drugs has a slightly different profile and may or may not be right for you.

You can avoid symptoms altogether by starting your medication routine about two weeks before your known allergy season begins. Talk to your doctor about trying different OTC or compounded prescription medications if your current drugs don’t seem effective, or if your allergy symptoms are simply worse.

Avoid ragweed and other pollens to avoid worsening symptoms. Try to stay indoors and make sure you have an air filter running in your home. If you must go outside, try to do so earlier in the day, as pollen levels are usually lower before 12 p.m.



2. Dust Mite Allergies

Yes, dust mites are living microscopic critters that live in your home and yes, you can be allergic to them.

They love to eat dead human skin cells and there is nothing at all you can do to rid your home of them.

This unfortunate-but-true fact means people who have dust mite allergies often find themselves struggling year-round, but early fall symptoms worsen because dust mites love crisp fall temperatures that fall into the 60s and 70s.


— Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms

Do you feel like you have allergies all year long, no matter what?

That’s one of the first signs you may have a dust mite issue. Patients struggling with this particular allergy usually sneeze a lot, have a runny nose, are annoyed by a persistent cough, and are frustrated by post-nasal drip. Your eyes, nose, throat, and the roof of your mouth may all feel itchy. And those blue bags under your eyes? Blame those on your dust mite allergy, too.

Asthmatics should be particularly careful about their symptoms during the fall. As the dust mites increase, asthmatic symptoms such as chest tightness, wheezing, and trouble breathing can get worse.

These fall allergies symptoms tend to get worse at night and cause difficulty sleeping.


— Dust Mite Allergy Treatments

Your doctor will likely recommend an antihistamine or some other over-the-counter allergy medication to keep your dust mite allergy symptoms in check. You may also need a long-acting or rescue inhaler if you have asthma that is impacted by dust and dust mites.

While they can’t be completely eliminated, the dust mites in your home can be reduced.

Air filters don’t work very well with dust mites because they are heavier and fall to your carpet. Other allergens tend to float in the air. That said, proper home ventilation does help because it keeps dust from settling in general.

While it isn’t possible for everyone, living in a home without carpeting is one of the best changes you can make to reduce dust mites.  Otherwise, use allergen-friendly mattress and pillow covers and wash them regularly.

You can also try reducing the clutter where dust can settle, and dusting throughout your home on a regular basis.



3. Fall Mold Allergies

Molds usually begin to appear earlier in the year – often in the spring – but they stick with us throughout the entire fall.

Levels peak before the first frost forces them to go dormant. The most common source of outdoor molds is leaf piles lying on the ground in your yard or on your deck, but you can also find mold forming in compost piles and living in the dirt you walk on.

These symptoms tend to get worse in the fall because the weather is damp and wet.


— Fall Mold Allergy Symptoms

Mold allergies cause a lot of the same symptoms as the other fall allergies mentioned such as sneezing, itchy eyes and nose, runny nose, and coughing. Some patients experience itchy, dry skin as a result of environmental molds, too.

Asthmatics are often severely impacted because mold spores move easily in the air and are inhaled, putting you at risk for a severe asthma attack.


— Fall Mold Allergy Treatments

There are, of course, other molds to consider, but in the spirit of fall allergies it is important to stick with your antihistamine or allergy medication routine and carry your inhaler with you at all times.

Molds are lighter and float in the air more during the day, becoming heavier and settling to the ground at night.

Limit your outdoor exposure during the day if you are having difficulty. If you do need to go outside, consider wearing a face mask.



Still struggling with fall allergies?

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if your current medication routine isn’t alleviating your fall allergy symptoms, especially if you are using a rescue inhaler more than a couple of times per week.

Your doctor may recommend formal allergy testing to determine exactly which allergens are causing your woes.

Knowing your exact triggers will help your doctor determine which medication (or combination of medications), inhalers, and lifestyle changes will help you get through allergy season.


The Rise of CBD Oil: An Interview with Will Kleidon from Ojai Energetics

The Rise of CBD Oil

The medicinal use of cannabis has been a hot topic for a while now, especially as more and more states have relaxed their regulations on its use and cultivation. Marijuana’s non-psychoactive cousin plant, hemp, is the source of the CBD oil that can be found at health food stores and related venues. Unlike marijuana, which contains high quantities of THC, CBD interacts with the cannabinoid type 2 receptors located mainly in the immune system, which are involved in the modulation of inflammatory and neuropathic pain responses. While CBD won’t result in a “high,” it has been used successfully in the treatment of an expansive range of ailments with minimal side effects (the most notable reported side effect is a sense of tiredness, which some users enjoy as a natural remedy for insomnia).

Our Interest in CBD Oil

Emerging studies on the benefits of CBD oil have sparked interest in several of my patients, and upon their request I looked into this subject, myself. My goal was to find a CBD product that my patients could benefit from, with ample science to back up any claims of the product’s integrity. As it turns out, the quality and efficacy of CBD oil can vary widely depending on several factors, especially when it comes to the extraction process used to manufacture it. After researching the various formulations currently available on the market, I decided to go with a company based in Ojai, California, who boasts a product that is “10 times more potent than regular CBD.” I then spoke with the founder of Ojai Energetics, Will Kleidon, whose enthusiasm for his products was apparent as he answered some questions I had for him.



Robbie Leark: When and how did Ojai Energetics come about?


Will Kleidon: I became interested in CBD around 2014. I’d studied the benefits of CBD but was looking for a CBD oil that was free of preservatives and certified organic, which wasn’t on the market at that time. When I started to look into producing one, myself, I met a chemist who taught me how we could make a formula that would not only be completely organic, but also water soluble, which would be a tremendous improvement on its bioavailability in comparison to other products.



RL: Is the water-solubility what sets your product apart from competitors?


WK: That’s correct — regular CBD oil has very poor bioavailability. People will pay for 100% of the product, but will only get 10% out of it that’s usable to their body. This is true of the fat-soluble CBD oils as well; they’re inefficient for internal use since these formulas can’t be absorbed into the bloodstream sublingually because of the water barrier in our mucus membranes. With our formula, the CBD is encapsulated in micro-bubbles of water which can permeate our mucus membranes very efficiently. It only takes about less than a minute for our product to enter the bloodstream, so the effects work immediately. With fat-soluble formulas, the CBD oil must first pass through the digestive tract before it enters the bloodstream, and 90% of the cannabinoid will be absorbed by the liver in the process. Another thing that sets us apart is that our [CBD extraction] process doesn’t require the harsh chemical solvents that others might utilize.


RL: Also, your product is completely organic?


WK: Yes. Every ingredient is grown according to strict organic standards, but due to current USDA regulations there isn’t any approved organic standard for hemp, yet. Nevertheless, we still ensure that our hemp isn’t genetically modified or treated with any nasty pesticides.



RL: Why do you include Moringa and Acerola Cherry extracts in your Super CBD formula?


WK: Well, apart from being generally beneficial to one’s health, these components add micro-nutrients and minerals that synergize very well together with the CBD. Cannabinoids have a bell-curve of efficiency, and by supplying nutrients and minerals that aid in reaching that optimal efficiency threshold, CBD is able to create the homeostatic balance that we strive for in an ideal formulation.


RL: What about the THC content in your products? I’ve checked out your lab results and saw that trace amounts of THC are included. (THC is the psychoactive component of marijuana plants, and is present in trace amounts in hemp plants).


WK: The maximum amount of THC present in our formula only accounts for 0.02% of its weight. Currently, the federal, legal limit requires products to contain no more than 0.3% of THC. This amount is so negligible that it won’t have any effect, even on users sensitive to THC; but it is a necessary component in the synergy of the final product, as I mentioned before. When THC works in concert with the CBD, the micronutrients, the terpenes and so forth, you have what is known at the “Entourage Effect,” which maximizes CBDs potential. Without it, you end up with a much weaker product. CBD oils that are made up purely of CBD will not be anywhere near as effective or efficient as those that are synergistically formulated.


RL: How does your Super CBD (liquid) formula compare to your CBD Coconut Oil?


WK: Our Super CBD extract is the most bioavailable formula on the market, utilizing a soon-to-be patented, micronized hydrosome technology to produce a CBD oil that is water soluble and organically delivered via the sublingual method. Unlike other crystal or proclaimed water-soluble CBDs, our micronized hydrosome passes rapidly through the mucus membrane without allowing lipid elements to be washed away. For users who want to experience fast results that’s 10 times more potent than regular CBD, this is the product for them. We’ve also produced a CBD Coconut Oil in a fat soluble formulation which is ideal for topical applications, or can be ingested for users who want to ‘micro-dose.’ We’ve seen incredible results with the topical application of this product, especially in those experiencing pain from exercise or extreme sports. I like to use the coconut oil in my morning coffee, since I’ve found that it helps clear the morning ‘brain fog.’


RL: You would recommend CBD for daily use?


WK: Absolutely! CBD is actually a very effective adaptogen, and regular use can provide an excellent means of regulating stress response levels and improving cognitive function. CBD is also a neuroprotectant, which means it can limit neurological damage following trauma, such as a stroke. Patients who suffer from seizures have benefited from CBD, and there have been numerous studies on the efficacy of CBD in treating patients with neurological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. More studies need to be done to evaluate CBD’s effect on the brain, but we already have compelling evidence that CBD can aid in neurogenesis, helping the hippocampus regenerate neurons. CBD’s medicinal potential appears to cover a very wide range and is definitely deserving of more attention from the scientific community.


RL: Who do you think would benefit most from taking CBD oil?


WK: Honestly, I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. Of course it’s going to be very beneficial to people with more advanced cannabinoid deficiencies; but beyond that, the endocannabinoid system in our bodies affects nearly every one of our physiological processes, and tapping into and fortifying this system can greatly improve our quality of life. By supplying our systems with CBD, we can address any endocannabinoid deficiency that doctors and medical researchers have identified as a precursor to many diseases, and which new studies suggest might be responsible for a great number of health issues. This science is still in its infancy, but I can personally attest to the power of CBD in my own life and in the lives of those I share it with. There’s little that this stuff can’t do.


Ojai Energetics’ Super CBD Oil and CBD Coconut Oil is now available at Burt’s Pharmacy in Newbury Park. The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Burt’s Pharmacy.

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