Effective Strategies For Organizing Medicine

organizing medicine - Burts RX

Organizing medicine can be an arduous task, especially if you have multiple medications with varying time windows. Today we will help solve this problem and get you organized so you can focus on life! Read more below…

Getting Started With Organizing Medicine

When you are consuming a lot of meds, organizing your medicine is a challenging task. It is tough to remember the names of different medications, their timings, and when and how often are you supposed to take them. It is confusing and overwhelming, especially if you take multiple medications and supplements. In this article, we will discuss certain tips and tools that will help you stay on top of your medication schedule, prevent missed doses, and never run out of refills. Without further ado, let’s get started:

Importance of Medication Management 

If you are someone who consumes a lot of medicines daily, errors are bound to occur. Whether it be a missed dosage, taking the same medication twice, or running out of a particular medicine/supplement. Effective medication management will help you minimize errors which helps improve your health.

Tip No 1: Use a Daily Pill Organizer

This tip is the simplest yet the most ignored tip. You need to get your hands on a daily pill organizer. It is beneficial for those who have to take multiple medications every day. It typically has a minimum of 7 or more compartments. You can easily store your days’ worth of pills in it the night before. It will help you stay on top of your schedule. You can always keep a dosage schedule near your bedside table that includes the description and timing of each of the pills that you have added in the case. 

The only drawback of this method is that it isn’t the best way of organizing meds if you have young kids at home. Kids are drawn to the pills (especially colorful ones). It can lead to accidents, disorganization, and potential overdose. If you take a lot of meds, they might not fit in the store-bought pill organizer, and you’ll have to do a fair bit of research before you land on the one that can easily store all your medicine. 

Tip No 2: Make a Medicine and Dosage Schedule Chart

This can take some time, but it is hands down the best way to manage your daily or weekly dose of medicine. You can either take a pen and paper and do it the simple way (However, you’ll have to create a new list every single day) or go on your computer and use a spreadsheet to create one. You can also make one on a phone app where you can check things off. There is no right or wrong way to do it. 

You might want to list all the medicine names, their schedule, and why you are taking it. It is always a great idea to include a check box at the end. Whenever you take a medicine, simply check it off. I find tracking the meds on my phone is the easiest way. However, choose a method that seems the simplest to you.

Tip No 3: Create a List of Your Medicine

Another beneficial thing is creating a list of all your medication. Ensure the name, dosage in detail, frequency, potential side effects, and when to stop the medicine. If you are allergic to any medicines, please mention that in the list.  You can create multiple copies of the list. Whenever you visit a healthcare provider, take a copy with you to the appointment so they can overview all the meds you have been taking along and be aware of the potential allergies. Always keep a copy with you on your mobile and email if anything urgent arises. 

Tip No 4: Make Use of a Medication Application 

We all have smartphones and tablets lying around the house these days. Multiple apps will help your meds effectively. Moreover, they help you look up the information about a drug. Set your schedules, and get reminders throughout the day. You don’t have to buy a paid app. You can choose from plenty of free apps that have amazing ratings.

Tip No 5: Always Check the Prescription Labels 

It is important to check the prescription labels. Have a close look at the expiration date, refill info, and discard the old medicine as needed. Whenever you are running low on a medication that requires a refill, always call your pharmacist beforehand. This will prevent any missed doses. 

If you think you may need a refill on a medication that has no refills left, call your healthcare provider’s office as soon as possible to allow time for the healthcare provider to call the pharmacist.

Tip No 6: Use Pill Reminders to Your Advantage

Multiple electronic pill reminders are available on the market. You can select the one as per your budget and liking. With these devices, you can add the name of the medication you are taking, frequency, instructions regarding meds (whether you have to take on an empty stomach or with food), and other details as needed. 

You can also use mobile apps for this purpose. An alarm sound will ring whenever you have to take a medicine with all the necessary details. It will prevent missed dosages and improve your overall health. Although phone apps are much simpler, electronic devices work better for old-school individuals.

When to Call a Doctor?

Despite taking all these measures, there might be times when you mess up, and that’s human. Here is when you need to call the healthcare provider: 

  • If you are unsure whether you missed a medicine or not or completely forgot to take it. 
  • If you struggle to remember consuming your medicine regularly despite all these measures.
  • If you find it difficult to consume a lot of medicine and wish to cut down on them or go for compounding to alter the dosage etc. 

Final Thoughts on Organizing Medicine

These tips will help you manage the medication easily and boost your health. Despite following all these tips, if you are still struggling, reach out to your healthcare provider. If you have any further questions, let us know in the comments section below.


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