National Pharmacy Buyer Day 2021 – The Value of This Recognition

National Pharmacy Buyer Day - Burt's Rx

What is National Pharmacy Buyer Day? It’s a day to recognize those who handle medications and pharmacy needs – a crucial responsibility. Read on.

National Pharmacy Buyer Day is held on the Friday in the last full week of October. This year it will be celebrated on October 29, 2021, to honor people who have been managing changing inventory of pharmacies for years across the U.S. We all like our pharmacy shelves to be stocked with the right drugs at all times. Hence, it is important to celebrate National Pharmacy Buyer Day to acknowledge the people who work tirelessly to do so.

History of National Pharmacy Buyer Day

Let’s dial backward and look into the history of National Pharmacy Buyer Day. Pharmacies have been around ever since humans start using medications. The first pharmaceutical science evidence dates back to 2100 B.C. When it comes to a recorded compilation, an ancient Indian Ayurvedic test from the 6th century B.C. takes the credit. Various Chinese, Egyptian, and Greek versions of pharmacies have been recorded. In the ancient Middle East, the study of botany and chemistry grew at a swift pace that led to medieval Islamic medicine that led to pharmacology. Many physicians, alchemists, and others have spent their time and energy in what we know as the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmacies began to emerge as tiny shops across England by the 12th century. Believe it or not, some of those pharmacies are still operational today. During this period, pharmacies and medicines were cleaved into two practices; Emperor of Germany and King of Sicily, Frederick II. As the pharmacy practice evolved with the industrial revolution, it became a mass-produced industry that gave rise to pre-packaged medication. The technology created in the 16th century paved the way for the biggest era; the 20th century.

Pharmacy buyers today are a specialized subset of medical professionals that perform the complex dual-toned role for the medical community. They stock the shelves with the drugs, manage costs for pharmacies and larger clinics as well as check expiration dates. Their role comes with a huge responsibility and requires extensive knowledge of medicine and accounts management.

Owing to this responsibility, the former pharmacy buyer Beth Meese came up with the idea of celebrating these amazing fellow pharmacy buyers that deserved all the recognition and respect in the world. Beth initially worked at the Provena United Samaritan Medical Center in Danville, Illinois, as a Pharmacy Purchasing Agent.

Today, she works as the Service Excellence Liaison at the same hospital. She got this idea of dedicating a day to the celebration of pharmacy buyers in the year 2005. Two years later, the National Pharmacy Purchasing Association (NPPA) took her suggestion and made it into an entire movement. Since then, it has been celebrated as a national day in the U.S.

How Should I Celebrate the National Pharmacy Buyer Day?

Wondering how you can appreciate pharmacy buyers and recognize them? Follow these simple steps:

Petition to Recognize National Pharmacy Buyer Day

It is important to make it official. Get your hands on a copy of the NPPA’s Pharmacy Buyer Day Proclamation form, and send it to your mayor to recognize this day officially.  This is not it. Follow up on your petition as often as you can.

Educate Yourself and Attend Workshops

You cannot celebrate a day without learning about it. Check-in with your local pharmacies or visit official websites of pharmacies and see if there is a workshop nearby that is done to raise awareness.

Attend a Career Fair

If you are interested in becoming a pharmacy buyer, it is best to walk into a career fair to educate yourself about the process. It is important to be aware of the career path as well as the job prospects in your own city. You can always take help from a career adviser or someone from the industry to guide you through the process.

Five Fun and Important Facts about Pharmacy

Here are the top fun facts about pharmacy:

Agatha Christie Used Pharmacy Experience to Write Mysteries

Agatha Christie was not only a pharmacy physician but also an English writer. She volunteered as a nurse during the World Wars and combined the two experiences to write her famous mysteries.

A Pharmacist invented Coca-Cola

Yes, you heard me correct. We all drink Coca-Cola or at least know about it. Initially, it was created as a treatment for most ailments (kind of ironic) but was later sold as a fountain drink.

Pharmacists Invented a Lot of Things (Iconic Things)

Charles Alderton created a syrup that smelled like a drugstore and ended up Dr. Pepper. Similarly, Pepsi was also created by a pharmacist who wished to replicate the success of Coca-Cola.

Medicine Can Get Expensive

Myalept is a drug that costs $71,306 for treating a rare disease called ‘generalized lipodystrophy,’ One single vial of the drug costs $5,000.

A Bit about Pharmacy License

Initially, it wasn’t necessary for pharmacists to get a license. This was changed later when Louisiana became the first U.S. state that required it.

Importance of National Pharmacy Buyer Day Is Important

Learning about Profession

It is important to celebrate this day to raise awareness about the profession. The right knowledge makes people feel grateful for when they get the right medication at the right time.

Give Recognition to Pharmacy Buyers

Pharmacy buyers are truly the hidden heroes of the medical profession. A day dedicated to them ensures that their contributions are not overlooked.

Pharmacy Buyers are Incredibly Important to Our Health

Pharmacies serve as the first healthcare provider for a lot of us. The buyers stock up the pharmacies, which allows us to get the medications timely. If the medications are not in stock, it affects us badly.

Final Takeaway

We hope that you learned about National Pharmacy Buyer day and the importance of celebrating it. We tried to include some interesting facts to keep you all entertained. It is very important to celebrate those people who work tirelessly in the health industry to ensure we get the medications when we need them.

If it wasn’t for these heroes, our health would be at stake.  So, appreciate the pharmacy buyers around you!


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