lThere are many benefits of taking vitamins, but are there benefits of taking vitamins for heart health?
If there were a single vitamin or a group of vitamins found to prevent cardiovascular disease or any heart-related problem, you would know about it. The world would know about it, and everyone would be taking it daily.
No studies currently show any single or combination of vitamins has the power to prevent heart problems.
What studies do show, however, are the advantages of taking vitamins over significant periods. Vitamins can improve the functioning of vital organs, which will, in turn, benefit your heart. For example, taking a vitamin that enhances blood flow means your body can do a better job at pumping blood to your heart and body. Healthy blood flow is good for heart health.
Further, merely taking a vitamin without implementing positive lifestyle actions may prevent you from receiving the most benefits of the supplements. Simply put, you can’t take a vitamin, then eat junk food and lay on the couch all day.
Vitamins work best in conjunction with other healthy behaviors like exercise, eating healthy, and mindfulness.
Before You Buy
Before you start purchasing vitamins, you can do a few things to help narrow the search. Only buy vitamins from reputable companies. Buy vitamins from your local pharmacy. They typically only stock vitamins from companies that have solid reputations.
Talk with your pharmacist, especially when the price is a factor. Your pharmacist can help you understand why one product is more expensive than the other and which one will work best for you. Your local pharmacist can also tell you if the vitamins you choose will interact with any medication you are currently taking.
Then, after being advised by your pharmacist, you can start to pick the vitamins to improve your heart health.
Choosing the Right Vitamins for Heart Health
Knowing which vitamins to take that can indirectly improve heart health can be confusing because there are so many vitamins from which to choose. It seems like for every letter of the alphabet; there is at least one vitamin. Aside from vitamins, minerals, essential oils, nutraceuticals, and other options offer a wealth of advantages.
Because deciding which supplements to take can be overwhelming, we have done the research for you. Below, you can learn more about the recommended daily vitamins for heart health to take and at which dose.
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids or Fish Oil
Inflammation is harmful to the body, especially the heart. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to lower inflammation. Studies have shown a direct connection between reduced heart-related events in those taking fish oil type supplements.
Just 1 mg a day is enough to improve heart health.
2. Coenzyme Q10
People with heart problems have been shown to have a deficiency in coenzyme Q10. This supplement can help the heart pump blood more efficiently, preventing issues like congestive heart failure. Also known as COQ10, this supplement used to help people suffering from statin-associated myopathy syndrome.
The recommended daily dose can range between 200 and 400 mg. Work with your doctor to figure out the right dose for your body’s needs.
3. Red Rice Yeast
Red rice yeast is the over the counter version of cholesterol-lowering statins. In supplement form, it contains monacolin K, which is an ingredient in the prescription cholesterol medicines. One of the best benefits of these vitamins for heart health and cholesterol is that you can see significant improvements in just a few weeks.
Daily beneficial doses can range from 3 to 10 mg and can depend on gender, weight, and other medications you are taking. Therefore, seek consultation before starting the supplement.
4. Vitamin D
It is challenging to get the amount of Vitamin D you need through just a healthy diet. Because Vitamin D has shown to be linked to cholesterol and bone health, it’s worth taking in supplement form. Some studies have linked it directly to heart health. Your doctor and pharmacist can help you determine the dose you need to take.
Lab work in which your blood is tested can give definitive results on whether you are deficient in Vitamin D.
5. Fiber
Fiber helps your digestive system work properly, reducing inflammation, blood pressure, and bad cholesterol. Eating a diet with the right amount of fiber, even in supplement form, can help maintain a healthy weight.
Obesity is linked to heart disease. If fiber can help control weight gain, it’s worth adding to your daily regimen. It would help if you were getting at least 25 mg of fiber a day for positive benefits.
6. Zinc
Zinc is essential to good health and is found in the cells of your body. Its function is to help your immune system fight off bacteria and viruses. It’s essential to strive for around 10 mg a day of zinc.
When your body cannot fight infections, they can spread throughout your body and into your blood. You then run the risk of infected blood being pumped to your heart. This can turn a simple infection into a severe and life-threatening matter.
7. Magnesium
Getting a good night’s sleep is something many people don’t get due to stressors from work, home, or both. Magnesium may be able to help you rest better. It relaxes you by aiding nerve impulses in working correctly. It does the same for metabolism.
Magnesium is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions. Having a deficiency can cause an imbalance that can affect energy, muscles, and protein formation.
Reports claim magnesium is beneficial in fighting Type 2 Diabetes, which has direct links to heart health. It can also improve athletic performance, prevent migraines, lower blood pressure, and fight inflammation in the body.
The recommended daily dose of magnesium is between 300 and 350 mg for women and between 400 and 450 for men.
Final Thought
In conclusion, the more you know about your body, the better you will choose the right vitamins for heart health, cholesterol, inflammation, blood pressure, and more. Don’t get lured by advertisements or advice of non-professionals. Instead, educate yourself about each vitamin by researching it online. Also, work with your doctor and local pharmacy to get advice that will genuinely benefit your heart health.