8 Wellness Tips to Improve Quality of Life

Stress Relief Tips - Burt's Pharmacy and Compounding Lab

With the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are experiencing a drastic disruption to life as usual. These 8 wellness tips can help bring comfort and improve your quality of life. 

As human beings, we tend to find comfort in our daily routines. The pandemic is forcing many of us to adapt to an entirely new reality. This period of finding our new groove and then settling into it can be stressful. The following are some tips to keep in mind as you move toward finding peace in the current storm.

1. Remember That You Are Not Alone

Being required to socially distance from others can definitely make it feel like we are on our own deserted island. Many of us are only venturing out of the house for vital tasks, such as going to work and buying groceries, before quickly locking ourselves back inside.

When you are tempted to feel overwhelmed by the isolation of it all, it can help to remember that your friends, family, and neighbors are simultaneously experiencing the same scenario. We may be on our individual islands, but there are countless other, islands as far as we can see. For inspiration about ways to remain connected to others during this time of distancing, check out how the Italians were able to keep their spirits up during quarantine.

2. Acknowledge and Replace the Negative Feelings

Anyone who has tried in vain to make a negative feeling go away knows that feelings don’t always respond to rational argument. Rather than seeking to avoid or battle against the negative emotions when they come, try just sitting with them for a spell. By accepting the feelings and applying mindfulness techniques, we can actually minimize the intensity and duration of them.

On the heels of allowing yourself the opportunity to simply accept the negative feelings is the practice of learning to replace them with more positive experiences. This is often what people will turn to drugs and alcohol for, only to discover that those particular types of experiences have dire consequences. Instead of seeking short-term replacements, try to engage in at least one enjoyable activity each day. This can range from scheduling time to read a book, go on a walk, spend time in the garden, or soak in a warm bath. Whatever it is that provides you with happier, healthier, feelings, make sure you are doing it on a regular basis.

3. Avoid the News

While positive stories are sometimes peppered between the headlines, news sources are notorious for focusing on everything negative that is happening in the world. Avoiding the news is one of the most difficult wellness tips to follow. During this pandemic, in particular, there has been an unceasing onslaught of reporting on tragedy, civil unrest, floundering economies, and natural disasters.

Spending too much time focusing on these negative events can cause the stress to bleed over into our every day experience. When you notice that you are beginning to read news stories or listen to broadcasts with a furrowed brow, take that as a sign that you need to take a break from the daily updates.

4. Focus on Your Present

One way to relieve anxiety about what may be happening in the world is to purposefully decide that you are going to singularly focus on what each day has in store for you, personally. Anxiety is a future-oriented disorder, and it is full of ‘what if’ scenarios. Many of our worries and fears don’t actually ever come to pass, which means that the time we spent trying to predict the future was pointless.  Instead of trying to predict what might happen, find ways to make each, present, day more meaningful to yourselves and your loved ones.

5. Set Realistic Goals

The demands that are placed on people during COVID-19 are uniquely challenging, making it difficult to follow some wellness tips. Many are having to learn to work from home, and some are having to simultaneously find ways to care for and educate their children. Still others are out of work, and finding it difficult to locate an active employer who isn’t flooded with applications from a multitude of hopefuls.

When you are devising expectations and goals for yourself, don’t forget to take into consideration how much of the world is not operating per usual. Be kind to yourself, and allow yourself a wide range of time and options for accomplishing things.

6. Take Care of Your Physical Health

The effect that our physical health has on our mental and emotional wellbeing is often overlooked.

Studies have shown that there is an intimate link between the mind and body. When one is in distress, the other isn’t often far behind. The reverse of this is also true. Making sure the body is healthy can have a positive effect on mood, and can clear the mind for making the important decisions required for functioning under our current conditions. Spending some time focused on exercise and nutrition is all the more important the longer that we stay stuck indoors and glued to our computer screens.

7. Educate Yourself

Some of the fears and worries that we are prone to have during this time come from not knowing what is going on. While the news may not be the best source of quality information, spending some time in reliable research can help to equip with knowledge that can be useful for smart planning. When researching a topic of interest or concern to you, it is important to be able to discern the intention of the source. For balanced information, try searching for published journal articles and other sources of data which seek to inform, rather than to persuade.

8. Focus on Others

This is one of the most important wellness tips. It can be difficult to do when we are feeling low, but deciding to turn outward in order to focus on others can actually provide us with relief from our own stress. It is pretty difficult to think about ourselves at the same time that we are actively considering the needs of someone else.

As a bonus, helping others also provides us with an oxytocin boost, which helps to calm and elevate mood.

Final Thought

With everything going on these days, it’s important to remember to take time for yourself. Use these wellness tips to bring comfort, joy, and laughter into your daily routine. Do you still have questions? Contact our pharmacy today!

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