Medical Equipment

4 Dental Products You Should be Using Regularly

You’ve heard it before: brush your teeth and floss, at least two times a day, to keep your oral health in top-top shape. Most people learn this lesson from childhood, and by the time they reach adulthood, taking care of their mouths is as second-nature as staying hydrated throughout the day.

However, simply brushing your teeth and flossing isn’t always enough. Seeing the dentist and following other best-practice oral health care methods can give you the competitive edge you need to prevent tooth decay, tooth loss, and other serious dental conditions.

So, you’re committed to keeping your mouth healthy long into later life. The good news is it’s easier than ever to do that with the help of these four dental products recommended by dentists.


1. Mouthwash

Mouthwash and/or oral care rinsing solutions are easy to use dental products, accessible to every patient right from home, and suitable for people of nearly any age if you choose the right formula. They work largely by reducing bad bacteria in the mouth that causes odors, decay, plaque, and other undesirables.

Mouthwash can also rinse away missed debris, reducing the risk of caries between the teeth or in hard-to-reach places.

There’s also a significant amount of evidence that advanced mouthwashes with the ability to re-mineralize the teeth like ACT Enamel, may re-build stripped or weakened enamel. That’s great news for people who love coffee, red wine, or the occasional soft drink.

Even if you have a strong, healthy mouth, using a good mouthwash can still prevent gingivitis and freshen your breath. But it’s important to use the right type of mouthwash, too. Whatever formula you use, it should be alcohol-free and age-appropriate.

A quick note on safety; no mouthwash should ever be swallowed whether it contains alcohol or not. Though swallowing a small amount really isn’t toxic, doing so can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, heartburn, or intense nausea. Additionally, while products that provide a small dose of fluoride are best, they should not be used by children due to the increased swallow risk.


2. Dental Mirrors

You brush and floss your teeth, and even use a high-quality mouthwash. But are you sure you’re getting in all of the farthest nooks and crannies?

Your teeth are full of little crevices that can trap bits of food and debris along the gumline, behind the back teeth, or between each tooth. Often, those bits of debris stay firmly lodged into place despite flossing or brushing. Using a dental mirror to make a quick check of your mouth is the best way to identify (and possibly remove) those little bits before they begin to cause decay.

Dental mirrors can also give you the power to spot caries, dental abscesses, and other oral health issues long before your six-month dental appointment.

For parents, having a dental mirror on hand can help when trying to identify issues with teething, lost teeth and other childhood complaints. It’s also a great way to keep an eye on a recently lost tooth or breaking tooth for infection.

The best dental mirrors have tiny LED lights built into the tip; a button the arm lets you illuminate your mouth while to look around Should you spot something that doesn’t look right, you’ll know to make an appointment with your dentist.


3. Dental Plaque Staining Tablets

If you were born before 1985, you may remember a dental hygienist handing out dental plaque staining tablets when they came into your school. These tiny little red or purple tablets tasted like candy, but when chewed, would stain plaque deposits to identify places you missed while brushing or flossing.

Today, dental plaque staining tablets are referred to as “plaque disclosing tablets” instead. This more formal name better identifies exactly what role they serve. Using these plaque-disclosing tablets can be an excellent way to boost your oral health routine, especially in instances where patients may find it difficult to brush correctly. This includes kids who are just learning to brush and patients with wrist, hand, or shoulder osteoarthritis.

To use dental plaque staining tablets, brush normally and rinse your mouth well. Then, chew one tablet and wait up to a minute. Spit the residue out and look at the teeth carefully. Anywhere with dark staining has plaque buildup; re-brush or floss the area for best results.


4. Tongue Scraper

You have the dental products to brush your teeth and floss, but what about your tongue? Despite the fact that it resides squarely in the middle of the mouth, the tongue is one of the most overlooked factors in oral health care. This is unfortunate because it’s also often one of the first places to show signs of trouble if you have an issue with the mouth.

Throughout the day, bacteria colonizes the tongue and can build up in higher and higher numbers. This is what causes tooth decay and bad breath. You brush your teeth, thinking you’ve resolved the problem, when really you’re leaving a high number of bad bacteria on the tongue itself.

Bad bacteria on the tongue can also increase your risk for periodontal disease, gingivitis, and other forms of dental disease. Untreated dental disease becomes even more worrisome; chronic infections can enter the bloodstream and cause illnesses like endocarditis or kidney disease.

Tongue scrapers gently remove this leftover bacteria for a fresher mouth and cleaner teeth throughout the day. Just run the edge over your tongue after you brush and floss, rinse, repeat, and you’re done!

Choose from plastic, stainless steel, or titanium tongue scrapers (whichever suits you best. Or, purchase a toothbrush with a built-in scraper instead.


Keeping your mouth healthy starts with seeing your dentist every six to 12 month for a checkup. That doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty you can do with dental products on your own right at home to prevent tooth decay! Using these four dental tools alongside the right toothpaste, toothbrush, and floss will ensure that you maintain that beautiful smile for life. If you have questions about which dental products are right for your oral healthcare routine, speak to your local pharmacist. He or she can help you address your individual needs to find the best fit.

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