
How to Stay on Top of Managing Medications

With illnesses on the rise, people have a lot of medications to take on a daily basis. It is common to forget to take medications on a day-to-day basis. This isn’t helpful when managing medications and improving your medical conditions. It can also put you at a greater risk for a medical error. From overdose to missing a dose, none of it works in your best interest health-wise. Managing medications properly can significantly improve your health and minimize health risks.

Tips for Effectively Managing Medications

As per the American Geriatrics Society, nearly 30% of US seniors negatively react to their prescription medications. These reactions are mainly caused by missed medicine or doubling up on dosages. This has to change, and it calls for proper prescription management. In this article, we will share tips to make medication management easier. Without further ado, let’s get started:

Use a Pillbox to Keep Medications Organized

Utilizing a pillbox is one of the simplest yet most effective things one can do for medication management. A pillbox is properly marked with the days of the week, which is excellent for organizing and managing medications daily. If you have different dosages for morning and night, you can purchase two different boxes. Make sure to buy them in separate colors or label them day and night to avoid confusion. You only need to be mindful of filling the pillbox correctly, and you will be good to go.

Integrate Medication Schedule into Daily Life

Having a busy schedule and taking medications don’t always go hand in hand. In order to make the process seamless, you must integrate meds into your daily routine. For instance, if you have to take a vitamin morning and night, adopt the habit of doing it immediately after brushing your teeth in the morning and night. Similarly, popping a pill into your bag and setting an alarm for taking meds during your lunch break is also beneficial if it fits your schedule.

Set Recurring Alerts and Reminders

The only way to prevent forgetting to take medications is to set daily reminders. Whether placing a sticky note on a mirror or setting an alarm on the phone, it is important to give yourself daily reminders. Whether you love pen and paper or are a fan of phone apps or good old alarms, use them to your advantage.

Utilize Medical Alert Devices

If conventional reminders don’t work for you or you forget to set them up, consider purchasing an alarmed medication reminder device. It can remind you to take medicine and your doctor’s appointment. If you ask us, it is a great investment if you struggle with a medical condition that requires constant management.

Preventing Dangerous Drug Interactions

Dangerous drug interactions are more common than you think. The tips mentioned below will help you prevent them:

Keep a Detailed List

Whether you remember to take your medications or not, it is important to keep a list of medications with you, how many refills you need, and how often. Take this with you whenever you are heading to the pharmacist. Make sure your list includes any:

  • Herbal supplements
  • Over-the-counter meds
  • Prescription medications

Lists are helpful for keeping on top of medication administration and can also come in handy when visiting the doctor for any ailment. That lets your healthcare professionals know about your current treatment plan.

Speak With Your Doctor

Sometimes, the OTC drugs or supplements don’t go well with the prescribed medication. Sometimes even prescribed medications can have unforeseen reactions. If you are getting an allergic reaction to a drug, immediately get in touch with your doctor. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider even when you think that the allergic reaction is caused by something else. Only a doctor can help you in this regard and ensure that your medications are completely safe and effective for you.

Consider Compounded Medications

There is a way to minimize the number of pills you are consuming. With compounding, different pills can be combined into one single pill, and the dosage and the form of medication can be altered. Ask your doctor for a recommended compounding pharmacy to do this for you. There is a way to take fewer pills each day. You and your compounding pharmacist can custom-create a plan that works for you.

Choose and Stick With a Pharmacy

If different pharmacies take your multiple medications, it is nearly impossible to keep track of all medications. The only wise way to go about is that you pick a good pharmacy to fill all your prescriptions and then stick with it. This step alone will prevent negative drug interactions and make the process seamless. Some pharmacies also offer auto-refill service, which serves as a great reminder. Do not forget to build a great relationship with your pharmacist and get answers to all your questions.

Managing Medications Wisely Is Key to Improving Health and Quality of Life

With age comes a variety of medical conditions. You will likely take plenty of prescription medications to treat the symptoms and remain healthy. Prescription medications are important for maintaining your health conditions. However, it can get very frustrating to follow a daily medication schedule. Developing and utilizing a good medication management plan ensures your health for years.

We hope you found this post informative and helpful! Creating a medication management plan is more than just remembering to take the meds. It ensures that no two drugs interact and keeps the process as seamless for you as possible. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments section below, and our team will get back to you.

DISCLAIMER: This article is meant to entertain and inform and shouldn’t be used as a piece of medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your doctor before taking any medication.

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