
Menopause Medication: Is Compounding the Best Option?

When it comes to menopause medication, there are options you may not be fully aware of, such as compounding medication. Read all the details below.

Every woman experiences menopause at one point in her life. It is the time that marks the end of the menstrual cycles. If you have gone 12 months without getting a menstrual period, you will be diagnosed with menopause. It typically happens to women in their 40s and 50s. The average age for menopause is 51 in the United States.

It is a natural biological process but is accompanied by plenty of unpleasant symptoms; hot flashes, sleep disruption, lower energy levels, and poor emotional health. Multiple treatments are available that can help you deal with the symptoms.

From lifestyle adjustments to hormone therapy, treatments can help you out.

Most Common Symptoms of Menopause

In the months/years leading up to menopause, women experience the following signs and symptoms: irregular periods, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, chills, sleep problems, weight gain, loss of breast fullness, thinning hair, loss of sexual drive, and dry skin.

The symptoms can vary from woman to woman. Most women do experience a certain level of irregularity in patients before they end. Skipping periods is a common part of perimenopause. Oftentimes, women skip a month or a couple of months and then start monthly cycles. The process can go on for quite a few years before you reach menopause.

Compounding Menopause Medication

Compounding medication is certainly the best option when it comes to menopause medication. Compounding pharmacies combine, remix, and alter the active ingredients and additives to tailor it as per the specifications of your doctor. Then, the medication is created under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist. It can be compounded in the form of capsules, creams, pellet implants (commonly used for hormone replacement therapy and helps with menopausal symptoms), etc.

Compounding is Personalized for You

Speaking with your doctor about your specific concerns and needs along and working with a specialized compounding pharmacy will help you better understand the chemistry of your body as you move through pre-menopause, perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause.

You, together with your healthcare provider can identify the best medical solution that suits your needs. The top reasons why physicians recommend compounding medication for menopause are:

  • The patient might be allergic to preservatives, dyes, mass-manufactured medications, and binders.
  • The patient might need a customized dosage of medication.
  • Patients find it difficult to swallow a pill and need alternative forms of medication.
  • Compounding medication can give you multiple options with bioidentical hormones.

Hormone Replacement Therapy – Best Treatment Option for Menopause

Hormone replacement therapy aka HRT is one of the most popular treatments for menopause. It essentially replaces hormones that are at a lower level as you reach menopause. HRT relieves most of the symptoms of menopause; hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, reduced sex drive, and more.

Getting Started on HRT

If you have started to experience menopause symptoms and wish to get started on HRT, the first step is to visit a GP. In certain cases, your doctor will ask you to undergo certain tests first. Then, your doctor will explain the different kinds of HRT available and the possibility of a compounding HRT.

Once you and your doctor are set on a plan, the procedure will begin. Typically, most women get started on a low dose. Your GP will monitor the effects of the treatment and adjust the dosage accordingly. Generally, doctors recommend trying a treatment for 3 months before giving the final verdict on whether it is working for you or not and alter the dosage/treatment accordingly.

Types of Hormone Replacement Therapy

There are multiple options available when it comes to HRT. The most common ones are:

HRT Hormones – Most of the women take a combo of estrogen and progestogen. Some women also take only estrogen if they don’t have a womb.

Ways of Taking HRT – There are multiple ways to go about hormone replacement therapy especially with the miracles of compounding; tablets, skin patches, gels, and vaginal creams, pessaries, or rings are a few of them.

Treatment plans for HRT– There are different plans for HRT. Women can take HRT in cycles, or continually without stopping, or once every few weeks. It all depends on what your GP thinks will benefit you.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe?

Yes, it is safe when done right. Ultimately, it all comes down to finding a customized solution that works wonders for you. With hormone replacement therapy, there is always a risk of getting too much and too little hormone which can lead to imbalance/fluctuation. It is one of the biggest factors in increased health risks. Synthetic hormones don’t have customized dosages and can deliver more hormones than your body needs. That is where compounding medications come in for the rescue.

Compounded Solutions

The majority of the bioidentical hormones are available through a prescription compounding pharmacy. It gives women the chance to get customized dosages of these hormones. One patient might need a little less estrogen while the other one might need a bit more testosterone. Our team collaborates with your doctor to find a perfect compounded prescription that keeps your hormones in balance.

Apart from the compounded hormones, compounding pharmacy also offers different dosage forms; capsules, creams, sublingual drops, and more. It allows patients to choose a delivery method of their choice and a level that suits their body.

Why Choose Us As Your Compounding Pharmacy?

Burts Rx recognizes that healthcare is a very important form of self-care and wants to be your trusted resource for personalized menopausal relief. We do so by offering quality compounding and effective communication. Our goal is to ensure the best outcome for every single woman struggling with menopause.

With over 40 years of experience as your local pharmacy serving the community, we understand what Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, and Westlake Village patients need most. We are dedicated to constant innovation and improvement. Reach out to us if you need help with compounding medication menopause medication or any other medical condition. Leave your questions in the comments section below and our team would be happy to help you out.


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