Health Skin Care

Does Psoriasis Go Away? Get the Facts During This Awareness Month

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin that can be painful and unsightly. While there is no cure for psoriasis, there are various treatment options available that can help manage the symptoms.

During Psoriasis Awareness Month, we want to shed light on the facts about this condition and explore the various treatment options available.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells. This attack causes the skin cells to multiply faster than normal, leading to characteristic scaly patches. Psoriasis can occur on any part of the body, but it is most common on the elbows, knees, and scalp.

Types of Psoriasis

There are several types of psoriasis, each with its unique symptoms and characteristics. The most common types of psoriasis include:

  1. Plaque Psoriasis: This is the most common type of psoriasis, accounting for about 80% of all cases. It is characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin.
  2. Guttate Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis is most commonly seen in children and young adults. It is characterized by small, pink, scaly spots on the skin.
  3. Pustular Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis is characterized by pus-filled blisters on the skin.
  4. Inverse Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis affects the skin in the folds, such as the armpits, groin, and buttocks. It is characterized by smooth, shiny patches of skin.

Can Psoriasis Go Away?

While there is no cure for psoriasis, it is possible for the symptoms to go away with proper treatment. The goal of treatment is to manage the symptoms and prevent flare-ups. With the right treatment, many people with psoriasis are able to experience clear or almost clear skin.

Treatment Options for Psoriasis

There are several treatment options available for psoriasis, including:

  1. Topical Treatments: These treatments are applied directly to the skin and can be effective for mild to moderate psoriasis. Topical treatments include corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs, and retinoids.
  2. Phototherapy: This involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet (UV) light, which can help to slow down the growth of skin cells.
  3. Systemic Treatments: These treatments are taken orally or by injection and work throughout the body. They are usually used for more severe psoriasis and include medications such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, and biologic drugs.
  4. Compounding Medication/Pharmacy: Compounding pharmacies, like Burt’s Rx, specializes in creating customized medications tailored to an individual’s specific needs. They can create topical creams, ointments, and lotions that contain a combination of medications that are tailored to the individual’s specific needs.

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Psoriasis

In addition to medical treatment, there are several lifestyle changes that can help manage psoriasis. These include:

  1. Maintaining a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to manage psoriasis.
  2. Exercise regularly: Exercise can help to reduce stress, which can trigger flare-ups.
  3. Avoid triggers: Identify and avoid triggers that can cause flare-ups, such as stress, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.
  4. Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health and can help to manage psoriasis symptoms.

Compounding Medication/Pharmacy

Compounding pharmacies, like Burt’s Rx, play a vital role in the treatment of psoriasis. They specialize in creating customized medications tailored to an individual’s specific needs. Compounding pharmacies can create topical creams, ointments, and lotions that contain a combination of medications that are tailored to the individual’s specific needs.

For example, a compounding pharmacy can create a topical cream that contains a combination of corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs, and retinoids. This customized cream can be applied directly to the skin, where it can help to reduce inflammation, slow down the growth of skin cells, and promote healing.

Compounding pharmacies can also create customized medications that are not commercially available. For example, they can create a topical cream that contains a combination of a corticosteroid and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). This cream can help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

In addition to topical creams, compounding pharmacies can also create customized oral medications. They can create a customized oral medication that contains a combination of methotrexate and folic acid. Methotrexate is a medication that is commonly used to treat psoriasis, while folic acid can help to reduce the side effects associated with methotrexate.

Benefits of Compounding Medication/Pharmacy

There are several benefits associated with using a compounding pharmacy like Burt’s Rx for the treatment of psoriasis. Some of the benefits include:

  1. Customized medications: Compounding pharmacies can create customized medications that are tailored to an individual’s specific needs. This means that the medication is more likely to be effective and have fewer side effects.
  2. Increased availability: Compounding pharmacies can create medications that are not commercially available. This means that individuals with psoriasis can access medications that they may not have been able to access otherwise.
  3. Personalized service: Compounding pharmacies offer personalized service, which means that individuals with psoriasis can receive one-on-one attention and guidance from a pharmacist.
  4. Cost-effective: Compounding pharmacies can create customized medications that are cost-effective. This means that individuals with psoriasis can access effective treatment without breaking the bank.


Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. While there is no cure, there are various treatment options available that can help manage the symptoms and prevent flare-ups. Compounding pharmacies, like Burt’s Rx, play a vital role in treatment. They specialize in creating customized medications tailored to an individual’s specific needs.

If you have psoriasis and are looking for a cost-effective and personalized treatment solution, consider visiting a compounding pharmacy like Burt’s Rx. With their expertise and personalized approach, you can find a treatment plan that works for you and helps you manage your psoriasis symptoms effectively.

Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not substitute it for medical advice. Always listen to your doctor for the management of your condition.

Skin Care

Atopic Dermatitis Medication For Eczema Relief

Welcome to our article on atopic dermatitis medication for eczema relief, where we will explore innovative solutions provided by Burt’s Rx Compounding Pharmacy. Whether you’ve tried various treatments in the past or are seeking a personalized approach from the start, we have the expertise and resources to help you find the relief you deserve.

By continuing to read, you’ll discover the cutting-edge compounding services offered by Burt’s Rx Compounding Pharmacy that can make a real difference in your eczema management. We’ll explore how our personalized medications are tailored to address your unique symptoms and preferences, providing you with effective and customized solutions for your eczema.

Understanding the Challenges of Atopic Dermatitis

Living with atopic dermatitis can be incredibly challenging. The intense itching, redness, and inflammation can disrupt your daily life, affecting your sleep, work, and overall well-being. Additionally, the visible symptoms of eczema can lead to self-consciousness and a decrease in self-esteem. It’s crucial to address this condition and seek effective treatment to improve your quality of life.

Exploring Effective Atopic Dermatitis Medication Options

Fortunately, there are several medications available to help manage and alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Let’s explore some of the most common and effective options:

  1. Topical Steroids: Topical corticosteroids are often the first line of treatment for eczema. These medications reduce inflammation, relieve itching, and promote healing. They come in various strengths and forms, such as creams, ointments, and lotions. Your doctor will determine the appropriate strength and duration of use based on the severity of your eczema.
  2. Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors: Another effective option for eczema treatment is topical calcineurin inhibitors. These medications, including tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, suppress the immune response that leads to inflammation and itching. They are particularly useful for sensitive areas like the face and groin, where steroids may not be recommended for long-term use.
  3. Systemic Medications: In more severe cases of atopic dermatitis, your doctor may prescribe systemic medications. These medications work from within the body to reduce inflammation and suppress the immune response. Common systemic medications for eczema include oral corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, and biologic drugs. It’s important to note that these medications often have more significant side effects and should be used under close medical supervision.

Finding Relief and Improving Your Quality of Life

Living with eczema can be physically and emotionally exhausting, but there is hope for finding relief and improving your quality of life. By working closely with your dermatologist or healthcare provider, you can develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and preferences. Here are some tips to help you find the right medication and manage your eczema effectively:

  1. Consult a Dermatologist: Seek professional medical advice from a dermatologist who specializes in skin conditions. They can accurately diagnose your eczema and recommend the most suitable medication based on your specific circumstances.
  2. Follow Treatment Guidelines: Ensure you understand how to use your prescribed medication correctly. Follow your dermatologist’s instructions regarding application frequency, duration, and any other guidelines provided. Consistency is key in managing eczema effectively.
  3. Maintain a Skincare Routine: Alongside medication, establish a consistent skincare routine to manage your eczema. Use mild, fragrance-free cleansers and moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated and protected. Avoid harsh soaps, hot water, and other irritants that can trigger flare-ups.

Take Charge of Your Eczema Treatment Today

Don’t let eczema control your life any longer. With the right atopic dermatitis medication and a proactive approach to managing your condition, you can take charge of your eczema treatment and find relief. Start by scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist who can guide you through the process. Together, you can explore the different medication options available and determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

Remember, finding the right medication may take some trial and error. Be patient and communicate openly with your doctor about your symptoms, concerns, and any side effects you may experience. They can adjust your treatment plan accordingly to ensure optimal results.

In addition to medication, there are other lifestyle changes you can make to support your eczema management. Avoid triggers such as certain fabrics, harsh detergents, and extreme temperatures that may exacerbate your symptoms. Keep your skin well-moisturized, and consider using gentle, hypoallergenic products.

It’s also crucial to manage stress levels as stress can worsen eczema symptoms. Explore stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Remember to prioritize self-care and overall well-being.


Are you tired of living with the constant discomfort and itching caused by eczema? It’s time to take action and regain control over your skin’s health. At Burt’s Rx Compounding Pharmacy, we understand the challenges of managing eczema, and we are here to provide you with personalized solutions.

With our team of skilled pharmacists and compounding experts, we can create customized medications tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require specialized topical formulations, unique combinations, or alternative delivery methods, our compounding services can accommodate your requirements.

Don’t settle for a one-size-fits-all approach. At Burt’s Rx Compounding Pharmacy, we prioritize your individuality and understand that every person’s eczema is unique. By working closely with your dermatologist or healthcare provider, we can develop customized medications that address your specific symptoms, preferences, and sensitivities.

Contact Burt’s Rx Compounding Pharmacy today to experience the difference of personalized eczema solutions. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to listen, answer your questions, and assist you in finding the most effective treatments for your eczema management.

Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not substitute it for medical advice. Always listen to your doctor for the management of your condition.


Improve Your Skin Elasticity With Anti-Aging Compounding

Looking to improve your skin elasticity with anti-aging compounding? Read more below to see how…


We all know that aging is an unavoidable phenomenon. Yet, we all detest our changing appearance as we age. I am sure all of us like to look younger than we are. Unfortunately, the conventional anti-aging products available on the market don’t do anything to decelerate the aging process. We as consumers are often bombarded with our claims and end up wasting a lot of our money. When it comes to topical treatments, it is important to select the right active ingredients as they offer the best results when it comes to tackling the signs of aging including fine lines and wrinkles.

Drug stores and high-end beauty products that contain active ingredients come in standard formulations that won’t work as effectively as the custom formulations. A compounding pharmacist creates custom formulations that will help fight the symptoms of aging effectively. They can create customized creams, gels, and serums to help you obtain the best results. Consistent use of topical medications helps to minimize the observable effects of aging such as wrinkles, age spots, open pores, loss of elasticity, and fine lines. With compounding, you will be able to get the benefits of a standardized dosage. The compounding pharmacist will eliminate any compounds that lead to allergies. You cannot achieve the same results with commercial preparations and many people end up with an allergic reaction.

At Burt’s Rx Pharmacy, we offer compound formulations that involve the use of high-quality ingredients such as Estrogen, vitamin E, retinol, palmitate, melatonin, vitamin C, DHEA, and tea tree extracts, CoQ-10, and many others to offer you the best outcome. Essentially, our goal is to fight the signs of aging while minimizing the additional damage to the skin. Compounding is a great way to have a holistic and organized approach to your well-being. 

Benefits of Compounded Anti-Aging Solutions

We design custom formulations, keeping the unique needs of the patient at the forefront. Moreover, we also customize the medication delivery method based on the preference of the patient as well as the prescription of the skincare practitioner. This minimizes the chances of any allergic reactions as well as gives you the best possible outcome

Compounded Anti-Aging Medications Addresses Specific Skin Concerns

Compounded skin care medications help to manage plenty of skin concerns such as irritation, age spots, blemishes, inflammation, dryness, rashes, and dual-tone skin. We formulate anti-aging crema that are rich in vitamin E, B, retinoic acid, and other minerals and vitamins that instantly improve the quality of your skin. We customize the meds as per the unique requirements of the patients. We also offer creams with highly concentrated ingredients that give you amazing results when used over an extended period of time. The side effects of compounded meds are also greatly reduced.

We also formulate bleaching creams that contain hydroquinone, retinoic acid, and steroids which minimize the risk of hyperpigmentation and other complications. Another positive factor of compounding meds is the pharmacist’s ability to control the concentration of each active ingredient guaranteeing individualized treatment for every single patient.

Custom Serums for Wrinkle Reduction

The outer layer of skin is called the epidermis which receives support from connective tissue known as collagen. With age, the collagen will start to deplete which causes your skin to lose its elasticity. This also forms wrinkles, fine lines, and creases on your skin. A collagen serum will stimulate the production of collagen and volumize your skin to minimize the signs of aging. Some of the ingredients we commonly use to formulate anti-wrinkle serums include but are not limited to:

  • Estrogen – It is used to improve the firmness of the skin and skin elasticity, and to add moisture to the skin.
  • Vitamin E – This is a super-powerful antioxidant that prevents the formulation of fine lines and wrinkles when combined with melatonin.
  • Retinol Palmitate – It helps plump up your skin and increases the production of collagen which plumps up your skin and promotes collagen production.
  • Melatonin – This hormone works wonders to slow down the aging process while minimizing the damage.
  • DHEA – This is a natural steroid hormone that acts as a hydrating agent and promotes the thickness of the epidermis. Within a couple of months, this ingredient can make your skin appear brighter and prevent thinning of the epidermis.

Custom Anti-Aging Creams

Environmental stressors, oxidative damage, and other factors will lead to skin aging. All these factors will reduce cellular turnover and minimize the production of collagen, leading to aging. The use of compounding anti-aging creams in combination with sunscreen will minimize the signs of aging and enhance the overall appearance of your skin.

Commonly used ingredients in compounded anti-aging creams include but are not limited to:

Estrogen – This ingredient works wonders for skin moisture, elasticity, and overall firmness.

Vitamin E – This powerful antioxidant works miracles for the prevention of fine lines and wrinkles.

Retinol Molecular Film – This is a highly stable form of Vitamin A that protects your skin against sun damage and other environmental factors. All in all, it will give you more elastic and youthful skin.

Sodium Hyaluronate – It includes hyaluronic acid which is essential for the synthesis of collagen. As a result, your skin becomes more elastic, retains moisture, and maintains its youthful glow.

Collagen Hydrolysate – This is a powerful ingredient that induces the growth of collagen fibers, resulting in smooth and tighter skin. It also slows down the breakdown of elastin fibers which is essential for youthful skin.

Final Takeaway On Improving Your Skins Elasticity 

Compounding is the only way to achieve the best possible results when it comes to aging. Essentially, it is skincare suited for your unique skin concerns. From sunscreens to aging to moisturizers to serums, you can get anything under the roof. It will preserve youthful glory and give you a healthy and radiant glow.

However, it is important to understand that not all compounding pharmacies are created equal and you might want to do some research before settling on the one. It is also important to find a good skin specialist. The skin specialist will work with the compounding pharmacist to help create the best anti-aging regimen for you that will produce great results.


Skin Care

The Best Skincare Ingredients for Reducing Acne and Redness

Everyone struggles with acne and redness on the face. So be sure to keep in mind these helpful skincare ingredients.

A good skincare routine is all about the right ingredients that work for your particular skin type and tackle your skin concerns. Whether you are dealing with rosacea, dryness, hormonal acne, there is a skin product out there to help you out.

It is important to educate yourself on different skincare ingredients and choose the ones that work for you. In this article, we will share the top ingredients that will help with redness and acne. Without further ado, let’s get started.


Niacinamide aka Vitamin B3 has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. This particular ingredient regulates the oil in sebaceous glands and helps prevent breakouts. Niacinamide also minimizes redness and helps with inflammation. Moreover, if you regularly use products containing niacinamide, your skin will create a protective lipid barrier that will help retain the moisture. All in all, it is one product that suits all skin types and has a million benefits. Make sure to choose clean formulations while selecting Niacinamide product.

  • Ceramides

Your skin’s lipid barrier is made up of ceramides. Ceramides are known to prevent dryness and protect the skin against environmental pollution. If your skin is easily irritated and more prone to breakouts, try adding ceramides-based products to your skincare routine and see a difference.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C is certainly amongst the topmost loved ingredients for brightening. Believe it or not, vitamin C also has anti-inflammatory benefits and helps fight redness while evening out your complexion. Adding a great vitamin C serum minimizes the appearance of sunspots, melasma, dullness, and hyperpigmentation. You can add it to your morning and night routine. Make sure to use sunscreen on top during the daytime.

  • Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

Glycolic acid and lactic acid are two types of AHA acids that can help fight breakouts and minimize redness. They also remove dead skin cells and lead to a brighter, healthier, and more vibrant complexion. Over time, it also reduces inflammation and minimizes the appearance of scars.

Benzoyl Peroxide

It is one of the most effective products for treating acne. As per the experts, benzoyl peroxide is one of the best ingredients for actually getting rid of the existing acne. The ingredient kills bacteria, removes excess oil, and has amazing exfoliating properties. Benzoyl peroxide can be quite drying. Hence, it is important to use it with caution after discussing it with your dermatologist.


The ingredient is derived from Vitamin A and has been used to fight acne since the 1970s. Retinol promotes skin turnover and prevents clogging of pores. Some of the retinoids are only available via prescription while you can purchase others over the counter. It also helps fight the signs of aging and keeps you looking youthful for longer.

  • Tea Tree Oil

A lot of individuals who are a fan of natural skincare products swear by tea tree oil for fighting acne and redness on their faces. It will definitely not work as fast as other ingredients but is surely effective. You can find face washes, moisturizers, spot treatments, and serums that contain tea tree oil. It is important to do a patch test prior to using any ingredient containing tea tree oil all over your face.

  • Azelaic Acid

Oftentimes, our skin breaks out due to excess buildup of proteins which clogs the pores. It is important to exfoliate the skin and eliminate all the dead skin cells that allow your pores to breathe. Azelaic acid is known for its anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents the buildup of Keratin which helps to keep your skin clear at all times.


This is one skincare ingredient that is quite hard to find. Regardless, it is quite effective in keeping your skin clear when combined with other ingredients such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. It removes dead skin cells and balances out the sebum production which helps prevent breakouts.

Sulfur traditionally smells like a rotten egg. Make sure you find a pleasant-smelling product that doesn’t give you a headache.

Tips on Using These Products

Some of these ingredients can lead to extreme dryness of the skin. Hence, it is crucial to keep your face moisturized at all times. If you have just started to add these products into your routine, try products with low-strength ingredients and gradually build the tolerance.

Also, avoid introducing all these products at once into your skincare routine. Start by introducing one product at a time and see how it works for you. If your acne is extremely painful and covers your entire face or body, it is best to consult a dermatologist prior to using any new products. Make sure to wear sunscreen religiously during the daytime.

Layering Skin Care Ingredients

Layering skincare ingredients can be extremely helpful when it comes to treating acne and redness. However, you need to be extremely cautious. When done incorrectly, it can lead to harmful skin reactions. It is best to read the warnings on skincare products or speak with a dermatologist or compounding pharmacist beforehand. That way, you won’t end up harming your skin.

Other Factors Matter

Having clear skin is not all about having your skincare routine in place. There are a bunch of other factors that cause your skin to act up. Some of them include hygiene, hormones, changing weather, diet, and overall lifestyle. It is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet, squeeze a bit of work out in your day-to-day routine, drink loads of water, keep your makeup brushes and pillowcases clean, and get your hormone levels checked. Clear and beautiful skin doesn’t come easy and requires a close check on all areas.

Final Takeaway

With the right skincare ingredients, you can fight acne and redness on your face. It is important to educate yourself on how different ingredients work for your skin and make the choice accordingly. The best way to go about your skincare routine is by visiting a dermatologist and getting a handful of products that are meant for your individual concerns.


Skin Care

How To Keep Your Skin Healthy

There are many reasons your skin may be feeling itchy and dry, or may be cracked and painful. Luckily, there are ways how to keep your skin healthy, smooth, and moisturized.

Feeling that itchy, tight, achy, uncomfortable skin sensation? Maybe your hands are feeling a little lizard-like, especially if you’ve been washing up more often to help ward off COVID–19. Or, maybe you’re in the middle of an acne breakout you just can’t seem to control no matter what you do.

You aren’t alone!  Nearly everyone struggles with skin problems now and again. Age, hormones, and diet can be a factor, as can environmental influences. But in some cases, there’s really no identifiable cause and all you have is a few nagging symptoms you’d really prefer to be rid of.

Learning How to Keep Your Skin Healthy

While your first step should always be to consult your doctor or pharmacist when you have concerns about your skin, there’s a lot you can do right at home to keep your skin healthy. Here are a few of the most tried-and-true steps for healthy, smooth, and beautiful skin.

1. Don’t Stop Washing – But Wash Smarter

First and foremost, even if your hands are a little dry right now, you should still keep washing them often. This advice comes straight from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Handwashing is by far the most effective way to prevent COVID-19 germs on surfaces from entering your body.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t wash smarter, either. Make sure the water you wash with is warm to hot, but not so hot that it’s turning your skin red. Additionally, skip the harsh bar soaps and try washing with a good foaming antimicrobial cleanser instead. These are often gentler on the skin while still killing just as many germs.

2. Adjust How You Sanitize

Still using a sanitizer that contains alcohol? Unfortunately, this may actually be part of the problem. High alcohol content – which is necessary to kill the virus effectively in most cases – can strip moisture out of the skin. This might leave you parched, scaly, or even experiencing a little bit of dermatitis.

If you have a legitimate reason to use hand sanitizer, don’t stop without checking in with your pharmacist. But do try to wash whenever it’s an option for you instead so that you can save the sanitizer for when you need it most.

If you do find yourself needing to use your sanitizer while on the go, there’s an easy way to mitigate some of the impact: keep your skin healthy and smooth by using a moisturizer afterward. Just be sure to leave the product on solo for at least two minutes to ensure it has a chance to really kill off germs.

3. Moisturize

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize – it’s the “location, location, location” of the skincare world, which is to say it’s incredibly important to keep your skin healthy. When skin doesn’t have the right moisture balance, it can’t effectively slough off old dead cells or regenerate new ones. Debris, dirt, and excessive oils can start to build up, causing irritation, and you might even notice cracks developing across your palms.

The best way to ameliorate this is to make moisturizing a regular part of your day. Try to determine what kind of shape your skin is in now – dry, excessively oily, cracked, or just really rough – and choose a moisturizer specifically designed for that state. Keep it with you as you go about your day. Apply at least three times and/or after washing and sanitizing, but feel free to use it more often if you find it helps.

Skin feeling greasy or oily after you moisturize? This may be a sign that you’re using a formula that’s too rich for your skin. Back off a little bit and try a gel moisturizer instead. Conversely, if you aren’t seeing results, amp it up to a rich cream containing skin-soothing vitamin E or avocado oil instead.

4. Give Gloves Some Love

Gloves are a great way to protect your hands and an even better way to cut down on how often you need to use sanitizer. Wear them when you’re out and about, when you’re doing anything impactful (such as washing dishes in hot soapy water), and whenever you need protection from the elements. Change them out often especially if you’re touching surfaces outside of your home.

As for which gloves you should wear, latex or nitrile medical gloves typically work best. But you can also wear a second thicker, heat-resistant pair on top for washing dishes and handling household chemicals. Still, only latex and nitrile truly have the ability to block out germs – so keep that in mind.

5. Try a Soothing Balm

Hands feeling over-the-top cracked, irritated, and just plain intolerable? Try taking a little advice from eczema and dermatitis sufferers: try a skin balm instead. This includes products such as Vaseline as well as higher-end formulas like CeraVe’s Healing Ointment skin salve. They work because they’re thick and help to restore the skin’s natural moisture barrier, blocking out further harm.

If your hands are REALLY bad, you can also try a little spa session with your favorite skin balm. Coat the front and back of your hands fully, then slip your hands into a pair of soft cloth gloves. Sleep in them to give the product extra time to soak in. By morning, you should see a noticeable difference in how your skin looks and feels.

Final Thought

If you’re still struggling with ways to keep your skin healthy, it may be time to reach out for help. Give your pharmacist a call and explain your symptoms – they may be able to recommend a compounded skincare formula with more advanced prescription ingredients instead.



Read More:

The Benefits of Customized Skin Care Products

Skin Care

6 Reasons Why Your Winter Skin Care Routine Isn’t Working

As the cold weather approaches, your winter skin care routine is more important than ever – but sometimes it just isn’t helping your skin. Here’s why.

Virtually everyone experiences some level of skin care woes every single winter. The blustery, windy weather, combined with cooler temperatures, can strip away moisture, cause inflammation, and even exacerbate some of the most common conditions.

During the winter, these temperatures can cause dryness, itchiness, cracking, and chapping.

Your Winter Skin Care Routine Matters

While it may be impossible to avoid all of these issues entirely, how you care for your skin can make a big difference. Your daily routine is where it all starts; it’s also where most people make the most mistakes.

Avoid these mistakes to set yourself up for clear sailing and clear skin.

1. You’re Using the Wrong Moisturizer

Regular daily lotions and creams might not be enough for the dry, flaky winter skin some people experience in cooler temperatures. If it seems like you’ve been slathering it on to no avail, it may be time to step things up a notch.

The thicker and creamier the moisturizer is, the greater the moisturizing effect. For example, a night cream containing jojoba or argan oil will moisturize much more deeply than a light gel or water-based lotion. Remember this as you shop for new formulas, or ask your pharmacist for advice if you aren’t sure.

Try switching out your usual formula for one of these and see if it makes a difference, but keep a close eye on how your skin reacts to this part of your winter skin care routine. It is just as possible to over-moisturize!

2. Your Moisturizer is Missing These Key Ingredients

Some products, like CeraVe Healing Ointment, are designed with emollients and ceramides that help heal cracked skin and create a barrier against environmental harms. These are especially useful if you have conditions like:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Deep cracks with areas that bleed

Others, like Skinfix Eczema Extra Strength Body Cream, contain ingredients like Vitamin E, shea butter and triple oat complex. This not only soothes dryness, but also provides a hypoallergenic burst of support for constantly healing skin.

3. You Aren’t Moisturizing In the Shower

Yes – you read that right. Skin that’s warm and damp absorbs the moisturizing content in most formulas much more readily. If you slather it on immediately after you pat dry, but before you leave the bathroom (or maybe even the shower), you’re missing out on a lot of beneficial effects.

In-shower lotions like OGX Lavender Essential Oil Wet Skin Lotion are really helpful when it comes to your winter skin care routine. Just massage it in after your shower or bath is complete before you dry off, and the product will melt and absorb right in. You’re left feeling soft without any greasy films or excess product left behind.

4. You’re Still Washing With Old-School Soaps

Many of us grew up with our parents washing solely with old-school lye soap – the hard, flaky bars that often smelled of lemon. Others still use the same products they’ve been using for decades – some of which may not perform well at all.

The truth about those old products is that most were designed to clear away dirt, debris, and grease. They did that particularly well – a little too well, in fact, and that’s the problem.

Harsh soaps don’t discriminate against the natural oils your skin produces and any other form of grease. So, when you wash with them, the result is that you inadvertently wash the natural moisture barrier that locks hydration in away at the same time. The result is a tight, itchy, dry feeling that might not go away.

Next time you’re at the pharmacy, take a look at the cleansers or ask your pharmacist to recommend a gentler option. It’s possible to get every bit as clean while maintaining moisture, too, if you have the right one – no skin sacrifices involved.

5. You Aren’t Addressing Inflammation Correctly

You may not be aware, but dry skin doesn’t necessarily always become red, itchy, or swollen. Instead, that redness and inflammation is actually an immune response to the irritation associated with skin that isn’t properly moisturized. And sometimes, just slapping on a layer of lotion isn’t enough to address inflammation, especially if you have a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, too.

Step number one is to speak with your doctor or pharmacist if your skin shows any signs of:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Pain

It’s important to make sure the cause really is dry skin and not another condition, like fungal or bacterial infections.

If another diagnosis or treatment isn’t suggested, your care team might recommend using cortisone cream for a short period of time. Usually 0.5% is sufficient, but you can step it up to 1% if you don’t respond. They work by suppressing that local immune response, which reduces inflammation in turn. The only catch is that, in most cases, they should only be used for a  week or two without a doctor’s orders.

6. You Aren’t Trying Cosmeceuticals

Just as soaps have come a long way over the last 50 years, so, too, has skincare science. With the exception of a few extremely rare conditions, it’s more possible than ever to treat skin woes with medicated formulas that improve appearance and resolve symptoms, all at the same time.


Cosmeceuticals – dual-purpose custom compounded cosmeceutical formulas that effortlessly blend beauty and health needs into one easy-to-use package. These are skin care solutions built from the ground up only after a special one-on-one consultation. They contain only the ingredients you need without any of the substances you don’t.

Because these products are custom compounded, they are more suitable for the individual rather than the average person. This makes them more effective and less likely to cause undesirable side effects, all at the same time.

Best of all?

Through compounding, it’s even possible to find solutions to multiple skin care woes at the same time. Psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea sufferers, for example, can have their topical medications combined right into the products they’re already using. This cuts down on the amount of time it takes to get through your routine.

Final Thoughts

Your winter skin care routine is important, and the more you understand about your particular skin, the more customized your routine can be.

Fight itchiness, dryness, cracks, inflammation and irritation – just by creating a personalized winter skin care routine! Not sure where to start? Contact us today!

Skin Care

Does Taking Vitamins for Psoriasis Help?

Psoriasis can cause many problems with your body, and there are many ways to treat the symptoms; but does taking vitamins for psoriasis help?

Psoriasis is a very common, chronic skin disorder. The condition is caused when the immune system becomes overactive, leading to a buildup of skin cells that causes dry, itchy, scaly patches.

These patches are not only uncomfortable, but can cause self-consciousness and esteem issues because of their visibility.


What is Psoriasis?

Let’s start by taking a closer look at psoriasis and what it really does to the body. While children can develop some forms of psoriasis, it is usually diagnosed in young adulthood.

This condition can be genetic, but it isn’t always, and sometimes it skips generations.

People with psoriasis, as noted, have overactive immune systems. This leads to the rapid multiplication of skin cells, sometimes up to ten times faster than a person with healthy immune function.

The build-up causes large red patches of skin, often covered with white scales. Psoriasis patches are most commonly found on the back, scalp, knees, and elbows, but they can form on any part of the body.

Types of Psoriasis

While psoriasis usually manifests as plaque psoriasis (producing red, scaly patches), the condition can occur in other forms.

These include:

Approximately 10 to 30 percent of psoriasis patients have a condition known as psoriatic arthritis.

This is a form of arthritis that causes severe inflammation, attacking the joints in a manner similar to rheumatoid arthritis.



Common Treatments for Psoriasis

The good news is that psoriasis is very treatable!

Some formulas alleviate discomfort while others slow the growth of skin cells.

You and your doctor will work together to determine what combination of treatments is best for your specific set of symptoms.

Some of your options include:

  • Light therapy: uses a special type of ultraviolet (UV) light combined with medication to decrease the rate of skin cell growth.
  • Enzyme inhibitors: are a newer treatment. These medications block enzymes responsible for causing inflammation.
  • Biologics: help to regulate the immune system. The end result is a reduction in inflammation.
  • Retinoid: drugs suppress the immune system. Retinoids are only used in serious cases because they have the most potential for side effects, including blood pressure and kidney issues.
  • Methotrexate: is only used in severe cases as well. While it is an effective treatment for psoriasis, methotrexate is not without risk; it can cause lung, liver, and bone marrow diseases.


Do Vitamins for Psoriasis Help Treat Symptoms?

Considering the side effects and potential complications associated with traditional treatments, it’s not surprising to find that a lot of psoriasis patients often look to treat their conditions with vitamins.

While there isn’t enough research to support the single use of vitamins for psoriasis, some doctors do believe they can be used along with other treatment options to help control the symptoms while at the same time reducing the risk of related diseases impacting the heart and other organs.

The most commonly explored vitamins for psoriasis include:

  • Vitamin A The body uses vitamin A to create healthy skin cells. It particularly uses retinoids. Retinoids derived from vitamin A tend to absorb better when applied topically, reducing inflammation while creating fewer side effects.
  • Vitamin C This water-soluble vitamin is a great source of antioxidants, which helps to combat some of the toxins released by the body when it is imbalanced by disease.
  • Vitamin D Also referred to as vitamin sunshine, vitamin D has a huge impact on the body’s metabolism. While light therapy helps, vitamin D creams combined with steroids are especially effective at alleviating psoriasis symptoms.
  • Vitamin E This and selenium are both considered antioxidants. While vitamin E doesn’t contain selenium, some studies support the idea that certain vitamins can help boost selenium levels, as they tend to be low in people struggling to combat psoriasis.

Other Vitamin Options

You may also consider supplements containing:

  • Glucosamine and Chondroitin You can find these supplements individually or combined in the same product. The combination is often used by joint pain patients because of their impact on cartilage, but psoriasis patients may find them helpful for inflammation.
  • Methylsulfonylmethane MSM contains sulfur, which is important for connective tissue. Some people believe it has anti-inflammatory properties, but there isn’t a lot of research to support it.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Known for their oily consistency and for being found in fish, Omega-3 fatty acids support skin health and have anti-inflammatory properties.



Talk to a Compounding Pharmacist

While you won’t necessarily be able to replace your traditional psoriasis treatments with vitamins and supplements, taking certain combinations may enhance your overall experience and success.

One of your best options is to talk to your doctor about compounding a combination of treatments, be they drugs or supplements, for enhanced effect. If he or she decides this is the right path for you, your compounding pharmacist can help create a custom product.

Benefits of Compounding Psoriasis Medication

For example, vitamin D’s effects may be greater when it is combined with steroids. Steroids are also known for reducing inflammation.

Combining the two into the same topical ointment can provide relief during a flare-up while at the same time slowing excess skin cell production. You get the benefit of two components while only having to spend time applying one treatment.

Your doctor and compounding pharmacist can work with you to determine exactly what treatments are best for your conditions.

While not all substances are compounding compatible, many are. In some cases, compounding may even be recommended to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Your pharmacist can mix and match the components that work best together to find your personal ideal blend. It will ultimately save you both time and money – not to mention providing more robust relief.



Psoriasis is a difficult condition to manage, but it is possible to manage it with time and the right treatments.

Vitamins for psoriasis can help with treating your symptoms if used in conjunction with your prescribed medications.

Don’t be afraid to challenge your doctor if you are concerned about the side effects associated with some of today’s traditional treatments, especially Retinoid drugs and Methotrexate.

Discuss starting with safer options, like light therapy, and trying alternative treatments before moving on to harsher chemicals.

You must treat psoriasis long-term, so finding the right choice is important. Your body will thank you for doing whatever possible to avoid permanent, harsh side effects.

Skin Care

Consider Compounded Cosmetics This National Healthy Skin Month

November is National Healthy Skin Month, which means it’s time to treat yourself! To celebrate, we’ll discuss how to maintain healthy skin, and the benefits of compounded cosmetics.

Happy National Healthy Skin Month! Did you know your skin is your body’s largest organ?

Your skin needs your attention all year, but more so during the crisp fall and winter months. In this post, we’ll share a few skin facts and reveal how compounded cosmetics can help you look (and feel) your very best.

Here’s to your wellness!


A Closer Look at Your Skin

If you’re like so many others, you probably don’t give much thought to your skin until you have an injury, dry patch, or some other related skin condition.

The average adult’s skin takes up approximately 18.5 square feet and contributes about 15 percent to our body weight.

  • Touch

The nerves in your skin are responsible for helping your body to distinguish touch. This means it feels not only different levels of pressure, but it can send the signals that help you to feel textures, too.

These same nerve endings help your skin send signals to your body about pain.

  • Temperature

One of your skin’s most important jobs is to regulate your internal temperature. It acts as a thermostat of sorts, turning on your sweat glands to help cool you down when your temperature rises.

When it is cold out, your skin’s blood vessels constrict and close off, keeping your warm blood away from your skin so that you don’t lose body heat.

  • Overall Health

Your skin can tell you a lot about your overall health. Hives, dry skin, and other skin symptoms are one of the biggest indicators of poor health, often manifesting even before other symptoms in a long list of diseases.

One of the biggest concerns for the skin itself is cancer (also known as melanoma). The American Academy of Dermatology recommends regular skin checks, especially if you have a lot of moles, skin discolorations, freckles, or age spots. Early detection is critical to successful treatment outcomes.



Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin This National Healthy Skin Month

Your skin serves in so many important roles that taking care of it seems small in comparison.

Here’s a few tips to help you keep it healthy and functioning well:

  • Wash your skin daily at least once, especially after exercise.
  • Always wash your face before bed at night. This wipes away impurities and toxins and allows your body to heal your skin naturally as you sleep.
  • Use a daily moisturizer to help your skin stay hydrated from the outside.
  • Drink plenty of water to promote hydration from the inside.
  • Wear sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) every single day. The angle of the sun changes in the winter, but it can still damage your skin.
  • Make sure your shoes fit properly to prevent damage to the feet on your skin. This may help to prevent painful blisters and corns.
  • Regularly check your skin for new blemishes, changes in your moles, or any skin changes. If you find anything, speak with your physician.


Your Skin and Compounded Cosmetic Products

As your skin ages, it begins to lose elasticity, causing it to to become dry, thin, and even wrinkled with discolored age spots. Add skin conditions like adult acne or eczema into the mix and it feels nearly impossible to stay on top of your skin’s health.

Many people will, over time, try hundreds of dollars worth of skin care products in an attempt to battle the aging process.

What if you could turn to just one or two products to get the job done, instead of having to use several in a protracted morning routine?

The secret to treating your skin care woes is compounded skin care products.

Here’s a few of our most commonly-used compounded formula ingredients for skin wellness to learn this National Healthy Skin Month.


  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

An enzyme that serves as an antioxidant when applied topically.

  • Ascorbyl Palmitate (Vitamin C Ester)

a molecule derived from ascorbic acid. It infuses the skin with both vitamin c and essential fatty acids. C Ester acts as a preservative and antioxidant and helps to better blend vitamins A, C, and D into the skin.

  • Retinol or Tretinoin

Both are vitamin A analogues that help improve skin texture and reverse the signs of sun damage.

  • Amino Acids

Essential fatty acids that support collagen production and the development of elastin for smoothness, freshness, and youthfulness.

  • Hyaluronic Acid

An acid that helps your skin retain water, creating a plumping effect that smoothes out fine lines.




The Value of Combination Formulas

Most of the additives found in over-the-counter skin care products are for cosmetic purposes alone. Retinol, for example, plays a huge role in rejuvenating the skin gradually over time, but its benefits are greatly enhanced when it is mixed with alpha lipoic acid.

Examples of Combination Compounded Cosmetic 

Some skin care products can be compounded to support therapeutic and aesthetic needs and desires.

For example, your doctor may recommend a topical corticosteroid for inflammation during an eczema flare-up, but ask that it be compounded into a daily moisturizer with UV protection to combat dry, cracked skin.

Similarly, combination products work well for old acne scars, pregnancy stretch marks, and age spots. In most cases, discolorations like this have no medical implications, but they bother the patient visually.

Combination formulas containing a blend of acids, moisturizers, and vitamin E slowly and gently reduce pigmentation levels.

Combination Formulas and Acne

Struggling with active acne? There are many factors involved in the root cause of acne, and each person’s skin is unique.

For patients who struggle with commercial formulas, finding them either ineffective or too harsh, compounded medications may help.

This includes custom blends of Retinoic Acid, Erythromycin, Azelaic acid, Clotrimazole, steroids, and other medications that microtarget multiple factors all at once.



While a lot of skin ailments are cosmetic in nature, some are caused by medical conditions. Regardless of whether your condition is medical or simply cosmetic, you deserve to look and feel your very best with as few negative symptoms as possible.

So, this National Healthy Skin Month, take the time to learn about managing healthy skin, and the steps to take to achieve this.

Compounding can help you achieve that goal by creating entirely custom formulas designed just for you and every beautiful inch of your skin.

Compounding skin medications takes special equipment and a unique knowledge of dermatological needs; that’s why compounding pharmacies need a special license to work with these incredible products.

At the end of the day, it’s all about finding what’s right for you as an individual instead of matching you with an imperfect fix.

Skin Care

5 Reasons to Try Cosmeceutical Skin Care Products

Have you tried cosmeceutical skin care products yet? Chances are that you have–but maybe without even realizing it at the time. The term “cosmeceutical” is trendier than ever, but it first gained popularity in the late 1990s after a boom in the cosmetics industry encouraged a crossover between health products and cosmetics. That’s exactly what a cosmeceutical is: a product that provides health benefits while also improving beauty or appearance, too. If you haven’t yet tried them, we’d like to share five why cosmeceutical skin care products may be the right choice for you.


What’s Are Cosmeceutical Skin Care Products?

Despite the fact that the term cosmeceutical is relatively new, as far as trends go, these revolutionary products date back to as early as the 18th Century. Originally, they came in the form of tonics or topical salves that boasted an ability to improve skin, brighten the cheeks, or even give the wearer a rush of energy.

Much as with any other medical product, the 18th Century’s cosmeceuticals were often dangerous and loaded with toxic chemicals.

Today, the news is much brighter: through research, cosmeceuticals that improve health and beauty at the same time are safe, reliable, and widely accepted by members of either sex. By far, the most common category is anti-aging products, but you can find a product to do just about everything from reducing dry skin to alleviating the symptoms of acne.

Not sure where to start, or why you should give them a try? While you should always speak with your pharmacist before using a medicated product, it’s important to know where to start. Let’s take a look at how and why cosmeceutical skin care products help.


1. Fewer Signs of Aging

Scientists have worked since the dawn of time itself to reduce the signs of aging. From powder to lead-containing face paint in the 18th Century, the human race has always attempted to fool the biological clock at a surface level. Today’s cosmeceuticals contain research-backed substances that may reduce the signs of aging at a cellular level.

Products that contain alphahydroxy acid (AHA) work by encouraging cell shedding, increasing the rate at which old skin cells die off and replicate themselves. Vitamin C also works in a similar fashion, and may also help your skin to detoxify itself, too. Cosmeceuticals that contain licorice extract may also lighten sunspots and even out skin tone, though the effect is often mild and it takes time to see results.

Above all else, anti-aging products should contain a skin-specific moisturizer. Your skin begins to become increasingly dry as you age, and constant dehydration is a significant contributor to wrinkles.


2. Alleviated Skin Conditions

If you struggle with conditions like allergic dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis, you may struggle with finding the right cosmetics to suit your skin. The wrong product can exacerbate symptoms and may cause irritation or a worsening of symptoms, but cosmeceutical skin care products can sometimes reduce them when used correctly.


Psoriasis is notoriously difficult to treat because of the way it occurs. Rather than degeneration of the skin, it is a symptom of skin that regenerates much too quickly. Thus, using standard moisturizers or life cycle boosters alone isn’t appropriate. Instead, doctors recommend products that contain a Vitamin D analogue called calcitriol. This substance reduces the rate at which the skin regenerates slightly, balancing out skin shedding and reducing localized inflammation. When added to medicated cosmetics, it may reduce the exterior symptoms experienced during a psoriasis breakout.


For eczema, some cosmeceutical companies are encouraging products containing dimethicone. When applied to the skin (or anything else, for that matter), dimethicone creates a waterproof barrier and can effectively reduce environmental irritation. It won’t cure your eczema, but it could very well reduce the length of breakouts and prevent cracking or chapping–a sure benefit.


For people with allergies, adding a topical antihistamine may be all that’s required for you to enjoy your favorite cosmetic products. Some contain a tiny amount of topical diphenhydramine, while others are simply made using hypoallergenic cosmetic materials with a proven history for being gentle. Be cautious with products containing herbal substances if you have a history of allergies; some can exacerbate more than they help. When in doubt, try a small dab on the inside of your wrist first.


3. Reduced Blemishes and Acne

Aside from anti-aging products, cosmeceuticals that heal and reduce the appearance of acne and blemishes just might make up the second-largest portion of the industry. With good reason, too: the American Academy of Dermatology claims that up to 50 million patients struggle with acne every day.

Treating acne can be a bit of a struggle because it comes in many forms, including:

  • Acne vulgaris
  • Cystic acne
  • Comedones
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Pustules
  • Papules
  • Hidradenitis Suppurativa
  • Nodulocystic Acne
  • Acne Conglobata

Because each of these acne types can require an individualized approach, you should see a dermatologist to verify which type of acne you struggle with.

For normal, everyday acne, certain cosmeceuticals may help. Look for products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, charcoal, and alphahydroxy acid (AHA) have the most research behind them. Non-comedogenic moisturizers, creams, and foundations are a must to prevent pore clogging that leads to further infection.

Because most acne products can cause excessive drying and irritation if overused, too. If you see any signs of irritation, stop the treatment immediately and seek medical advice.


4. Reduced Appearance of Scars

For new mothers and those who have gained and lost a great deal of weight, stretch marks are just a fact of life. But they can be unsightly and begin to impact your confidence, especially when it’s time to enjoy warmer weather. Likewise, anyone who becomes the proud owner of a large wound or acne scars knows  that hiding scar tissue is often no easy task.

Surgical intervention and/or laser treatments can reduce the appearance of scars. But cosmeceuticals containing vitamin E could possibly produce the same results with less intervention, saving you time, pain, and money along the way.

Vitamin E doesn’t cure scars, but it does support the skin by providing it with the nutrients it needs to heal. It encourages skin to regenerate at a faster rate while moisturizing the derma, preventing excessive redness and irritation. Over time, it may help to fade scars from deep red to silvery-white.

Be cautious of quick scar fixes; scarring severity is usually dictated by genetics. While you can support the skin, you can’t make the scar disappear with cosmeceuticals alone.


5. Rejuvenated, Brightened, and Toned Skin

You don’t experience acne, and you’re still under 35–but cosmeceutical skin care products may still be beneficial to you, too. Cleansing products, moisturizers, and cosmetics that contain certain vitamins and minerals can brighten, tone, and rejuvenate your skin whether you’re 18 or 81. Best of all, many of them come in products you’re already using anyway–including moisturizers, face washes, serums, and foundations.

As we age, we lose our ability to produce collagen, and that results in fine lines and wrinkles.  The book, “Straight Talk About Cosmetic Surgery,” mentions the use of copper peptides (known scientifically as glycyl-L-histidyl-L-lysine-Cu) as one potential cosmeceutical early intervention.

The book mentions that copper peptide is “actually a protein growth factor that has been isolated from human plasma. In 1994 it was shown to improve wound healing.” The author later clarifies that,”It increases collagen formation better than tretinoin, melatonin, and vitamin C.” Used early and reliably, it may help to ward off fine lines until much later in life.

Several other chemicals may help you to achieve that bright, youthful and dewy glow. These include:

  • Niacinamide – increases localized circulation
  • Mimosa bark – reduces inflammation
  • Pomegranate extract – reduces inflammation
  • Stinging nettle extract – an antiseptic
  • Theophylline – similar to caffeine; increases circulation
  • Tyrosine peptides – reduce age spots and discoloration
  • Yeast extract – may balance sebum production
  • Zinc oxide – acts as a sunblock against UVA/UVB rays
  • Tea tree oil – antibacterial and antiseptic properties
  • Menthol – feels invigorating; may have slight antiseptic properties
  • MDI complex – inhibits collagen breakdown to reduce fine lines
  • Hydroquinone – reduces red and brown pigmentation

All-told, there are hundreds of chemicals, extracts, and supplements that directly or indirectly benefit the skin. When used correctly, cosmeceutical skin care products can achieve results for you where other treatments have failed, but they can be strong and even dangerous if used incorrectly. If you’re considering cosmeceuticals for a skin problem or even everyday maintenance, ask your pharmacist to explain each product to you and learn how to use it correctly. You won’t just keep yourself safe; you’ll maximize your chances of success, too.

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