Compounding Skin Care

Experiencing Winter Dry Skin Try Compounded Dermatology Medications

Winter dry skin is a common tale when the weather starts to get super chilly outside, and the heat cracks up indoors. As a result, our skin becomes very itchy, dry, and inflamed. The dry air can suck all the moisture out of our skin, leaving it crying for hydration. Nobody likes to deal with super dry skin, painful cracks, and rashes all winter long. If you experience skin dryness, you have probably tried everything that says moisturizing on the label but has failed to keep your skin hydrated past a couple of hours.

Sometimes, treating winter dry skin involves more than using drug store products. Luckily, there is a way to get products that are custom formulated for your skin and treat it effectively. One of the best ways is to get dermatology compounded medications which are custom created to soothe and treat your dry skin. We will discuss this in detail but first, let’s identify a couple of key causes of winter dry skin.

Causes of Dry Skin in Winter

One of the prime causes has to be the lack of moisture in the air. Your skin surface has two layers: the underlying layer of living skin and the outermost layer of dead skin cells. On a day-to-day basis, these dead skin cells get mixed up with the natural oils, which serve as a protective barrier for your skin and prevent microorganisms and irritants from penetrating the living layer of the skin. Environmental conditions can deplete the moisture and natural oils in the outermost layer of the skin and make it super-duper dry. Some of the main causes of dry skin include but aren’t limited to:

  • Extremely hot showers and baths
  • Excessive use of soaps that are drying
  • Exposing your skin to harsh chemicals
  • Indoor heating
  • Exposure to cold temperatures
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Underlying skin disease or infection
  • Lack of proper skincare routine

The first step is to identify the underlying cause of dry skin. This way, you will be able to tackle it effectively and fix the problem from the root.

Steps to Combat Dry Winter Skin

There are multiple ways to combat winter dry skin with and without professional help. One of the best things you can invest in today is a humidifier. The heating system at your home can dry out your skin drastically. A humidifier will prevent it from doing so.

Apart from this, we recommend eating foods with omega-3 fats such as walnuts, salmon, and olive oil. Do not use soaps that have added chemicals, alcohol, antibacterial agents, and fragrances. Choose detergents that are made for sensitive skin while washing dishes and clothes. Eat pomegranate to get cell-protecting antioxidants into your system.

Make sure to wear gloves and face protection while stepping outdoors. It will prevent your skin from drying out. Avoid sitting directly next to heaters and fireplaces during the cold months. Excessive heat can dry out your skin drastically and lead to many skin problems.

Avoid using super-hot water for bathing and showering purposes. Get out of the water for 5 to 10 minutes. This will drastically minimize dryness. Post cleansing your body, gently tap your skin dry with a soft towel and apply lotion to damp skin in order to lock in the moisture.

Dermatology Compounded Medications and Its Benefits

Compounded dermatology medications are formulated by a compounding pharmacist to fit your individual needs best. The pharmacist can select ingredients based on the severity of dryness, skin type, individual preferences, and allergies. The benefits of using compounding dermatological products include but are not limited to:

Customized Delivery

So conventional thick creams make your skin crawl and ointments seem too oily, or you simply fail to find a product that works for you, then compounding dermatology medications are a perfect solution for you. They can be custom formulated to fit your preferred delivery option such as gels, creams, solutions, lotions, and ointments.

Custom Dosing

Commercially available medications typically do not come with multiple dosage options. If your skin requires a low or high dose of an active ingredient in a med, a compounding pharmacist can adjust it accordingly to best fit your needs.

Avoid Allergies/Sensitivities

If you have highly sensitive skin and get allergic to conventional medications, a compounding pharmacist can custom-create medication to suit your skin best.

Best for Children and Babies

Young children have highly sensitive skin and a compounding pharmacist can customize a formula that is gentle and effective.  

Common Compounded Dermatology Medications for Dry Skin

Compounded dermatology medications are super helpful in treating dry hands, feet, and overall skin during wintertime. A compounding pharmacist can draft a formula as per your skin’s needs with the help of active ingredients that can truly treat and nourish dry skin.

Some of the most used dermatology medications include:

  • Corticosteroids: These are super helpful in treating eczema and other related skin concerns.
  • Non-steroidal ointment: An effective treatment involves steroid-free medications that help to treat dry skin caused by various skin concerns.
  • Urea: It is a topical medication that is used to soften extremely dry skin.
  • Hydrocortisone: These are steroids that are super helpful in treating skin inflammation and itching.

A compounding pharmacist can use one or all of these active ingredients that help with skin healing and moisture retention.

Need Relief Today? Get in Touch with Us

If you struggle with extremely dry skin during winter months, it is time to stop suffering. Burt’s Rx Pharmacy is ready to help you with compounding dermatological products that are meant to treat cracked, itchy, painful skin. Simply connect with us today to get a treatment suited to your needs.

Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not substitute it for medical advice. Always listen to your doctor for the management of your condition.

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